Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

got back from lunch at TOP OF THE M an invitation from SIA.. the first corporate lunch i went ALONE.. was fun. Had a dinner there a few years back and the lobster bisque was magnifique, lobster meat aplenty. Had the lobster bisque again but there's not a single meat! Well, food was more like a decoration, portion was small.. french cuisine, wat can u expect? We had a great time chatting and 2 advice i left the lunch with:

1) Start a family while i'm young
2) Continue with my french lessons
Yeah, i studied french before.. surprise surprise! It was fun and the guys were cute.. LOL. One amusing incident was during our oral test, and we had to converse with our lecturer in french. It was my turn and with my tongue all in knots, i searched every corner of my head for all the french words i know. Back and forth we went then it came to one question.. and i was stumped, thinking.. "shyte, i dunno a single word of that! seems like she's asking about addresses or something.. is it?" I gave up and said defeatedly.. "Je'ne comprends pas" - meaning i do not understand. Imagine my utter shock when she said.."BRAVO!" and gave me a straight A! Well, she was impressed because i was able to converse in french, not necessarily giving the right answers but being able to hold my own. Oh boy, it was hilarious.. i pulled a fast one and got an A for that. And please, dun try talking to me in french, thats about the only line i can throw back.. ahahahaaha...! oh no no.. i can count in french too!

but.. yeah, perhaps i'd continue my lessons.. something to think about..

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