Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, July 30, 2006

a lazy sunday afternoon...

zack gave the 2 imps a bath
i cleaned the floor
took a nice cool shower and had a DIY hair treatment
hubby and 2 imps napping soundly now
hmmm... what shall we do tonight??

alrighty.. word is out

last monday.. but my boss asked me to reconsider for a couple of days so had to keep mum about it til friday when i told her i'd stand by my initial decision. Was kinda touched she tried to hold me back but i guess i've come to the end of my journey with Marsh.. adieu~

last day of service is 23 Aug.. then we'd fly off for our mini honeymoon the next day!! woohoooo! timed it just nice *grins* cant wait for this holiday.. its our mini honeymoon and we are so gonna have a blast!!! this is prob the only holiday i can fully enjoy myself without worrying about work.. but not much of a break before i've got to start work again..

uh huh.. got a new job! basically the same as what i've been doing but with a wider jobscope.. and a hefty increase in pay which will help alot! thoroughly blessed cos i didnt even have to look for a job, the job looked for me.. but of crse.. i'm prepared to work my butt off.. i'm on familiar ground there so hopefully that'll help abit

we were just counting our blessings.. God is good.. all the time! he just got a promotion.. i got a better job.. we got a nice home.. 2 dogs.. now we are looking forward to our mini honeymoon.. everything is looking just great! but more importantly.. we are happy.. so very happy.. of crse we've got our squabbles here and there but i must say i dun think i can find a better hubby.. cant remember a time in my life i've been happier *grins*

ok, gotta go wake that sleepyhead
and plan for tonight's activity!

oh.. and its monday tomorrow... sheesh


Anonymous said...

Y E A H! I'm sure you TWO loverbirds will have a blast of a good time in Phuket!! And the resort's really beautiful! May the touts stay awae so you can enjoy YOUR HONEYMOON!


ju said...

yupz, cant wait! :D