Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, July 29, 2006

29 July 2006.. 6.35am
dawn is breaking.. right before my eyes
brand new day.. cool crisp air
nice ya.. thats the sea at the far left

zack's on night shift thats why i'd be awake at such unearthly hour
between his shift and my afterwork activities
we've not seen each other for 2 days!
appreciated the time alone doing whatever i like
but come second night.. i started to miss him bad
honestly, his shift aint that bad
nonmonotonic.. spices things up.. .. hahaa
absence really makes the heart grow fonder

the early morning mist over the sea..
when its dark, you can see the twinkling lights from the ships

sheesh.. the sun is out.. dun think i wanna go back to bed
think i'd wait up for my hubby
in the meantime.. enjoy my latest JD Robb book!

have a good weekend peeps!

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