Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, July 31, 2006

finally told a colleague about my resignation.. thought i should tell her (Mary) and Sam cos we work closely together..they should at least hear it from me instead of someone else.. gosh, she had tears in her eyes! *gulps* hai.. made it so hard for me.. i'm gonna miss them..

Sunday, July 30, 2006

a lazy sunday afternoon...

zack gave the 2 imps a bath
i cleaned the floor
took a nice cool shower and had a DIY hair treatment
hubby and 2 imps napping soundly now
hmmm... what shall we do tonight??

alrighty.. word is out

last monday.. but my boss asked me to reconsider for a couple of days so had to keep mum about it til friday when i told her i'd stand by my initial decision. Was kinda touched she tried to hold me back but i guess i've come to the end of my journey with Marsh.. adieu~

last day of service is 23 Aug.. then we'd fly off for our mini honeymoon the next day!! woohoooo! timed it just nice *grins* cant wait for this holiday.. its our mini honeymoon and we are so gonna have a blast!!! this is prob the only holiday i can fully enjoy myself without worrying about work.. but not much of a break before i've got to start work again..

uh huh.. got a new job! basically the same as what i've been doing but with a wider jobscope.. and a hefty increase in pay which will help alot! thoroughly blessed cos i didnt even have to look for a job, the job looked for me.. but of crse.. i'm prepared to work my butt off.. i'm on familiar ground there so hopefully that'll help abit

we were just counting our blessings.. God is good.. all the time! he just got a promotion.. i got a better job.. we got a nice home.. 2 dogs.. now we are looking forward to our mini honeymoon.. everything is looking just great! but more importantly.. we are happy.. so very happy.. of crse we've got our squabbles here and there but i must say i dun think i can find a better hubby.. cant remember a time in my life i've been happier *grins*

ok, gotta go wake that sleepyhead
and plan for tonight's activity!

oh.. and its monday tomorrow... sheesh

Saturday, July 29, 2006

29 July 2006.. 6.35am
dawn is breaking.. right before my eyes
brand new day.. cool crisp air
nice ya.. thats the sea at the far left

zack's on night shift thats why i'd be awake at such unearthly hour
between his shift and my afterwork activities
we've not seen each other for 2 days!
appreciated the time alone doing whatever i like
but come second night.. i started to miss him bad
honestly, his shift aint that bad
nonmonotonic.. spices things up.. .. hahaa
absence really makes the heart grow fonder

the early morning mist over the sea..
when its dark, you can see the twinkling lights from the ships

sheesh.. the sun is out.. dun think i wanna go back to bed
think i'd wait up for my hubby
in the meantime.. enjoy my latest JD Robb book!

have a good weekend peeps!

Friday, July 28, 2006

why cant this happen to me?!!!

we had a premature celebration 2 nights ago.. dinner at Tao Kee.. Chilli crabs! fried mantou.. sotong youtiao... was soooo satisfying! then head off to J8 to catch The Lake House!

it was heart meltingly romantic.. i was starry-eyed (literally) when the credits came on and the lights came up.. been awhile since a movie affected me so.. and it didnt hurt that the 2 protagonists were my 2 favourite couple in Tinselton.. Sandra Bullocks was gorgeous.. she never seem to age (she's in her 40s.. can u beat that?!).. and Keanu Reeves was a hunk and a half! (though i like him better in Matrix)

thought it would be nice if there were more feature on the Lake House.. imagine living in such a house.. well, i cant imagine.. haha

all in all, this is a beautiful film.. the intricate links between the past and the present.. or the present and the future.. short and sweet (only an hour half) and it made me go all gooey brained...

i'm so going to buy the DVD!

in case u dun already know, the song playing on the background was from the movie.. check out the pic on the bottom right..

it was year 2004 (Alex's time, 2 years before Kate's) and he managed to find Kate at her bday party.. they did a slow number to this song.. gosh.. i've seen many romantic scenes but somehow, this one just struck a cord in me.. (though i dun remember doing a slow no. with anyone in such a romantic setting) i think the music played a big part..

just go catch this film, i'm not saying more.. just go catch it.. we've caught dozens of movies (average 1 per week!) but i've never felt any inclination to blog about any save for this.. now you know how much i love this show!

and oh.. i've always loved receiving letters.. love letters.. *hint hint*

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


ticker's down below
will bring it up when it's nearer to the date

flying off to: Phuket!!!
landing on: 24 Aug

we would be isle hopping to the surrounding isles like Phi Phi isle, Maya Bay etc.. which were where we went to on our very first holiday at Krabi.. Phi Phi isle was actually situated between Krabi and Phuket.. so we could revisit the places we went before.. just hope it wouldnt rain.. its the monsoon season.. but that's fine, i've checked up on what we can do in the event of rainy days (other than the usual indoor activities by honeymooners - i'm married so i can talk about sex, the rest of u still gotta tetter around the topic *smirk*) and with so many interesting festivals in thailand.. like the Gay Festival (name speaks for itself) and the Phuket Fireworks Festival.. we just have to go during the Por Tor Festival.. which is also the Hungry Ghost Festival... sheesh!!

nesting in this little nice resort: Patong Bay Garden Resort , its right smack on the beach.. excellent for an impromptu tanning session in the morning! but if tsunami strikes, we'd be the first to meet our Maker.. haha..

cant wait for this trip.. been awhile since our last travel (cruise in Jan) and i just simply love these beach holidays! nice cool water.. white clean sandy beaches.. beach bumming.. cheap thai food.. massages.. bodyscrubs.. beachfront breakfasts in the morning.. evening walks down the beach.. all these with my brand new hubby! ahhhh.... purrrfect~

and i've got my eye on this lovely VS bikini!!!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

my ramblings...

you know how you've been working yourself up to something for awhile.. but when you finally got there and execute it.. you wonder where's that euphoria mist that was supposed to swirl in your chest.. or that jubilant shout in your head.. perhaps i'm a perfectionist.. i need all other variable components to be constant (at least).. to form that perfect equation

i noe i'm not making much sense.. i need to thread so carefully now it robs my joy.. argh.. i dun wanna play the game.. i want to speak with my conscience clear, no half truths.. not for me.. no no

here's something that's totally out of context..

the NEL broke down yesterday.. apparently it happened during noon but when i got off from work, the Chinatown station was still closed. However, there was a shuttle bus to Dhoby Ghaut where you can take the train from down towards Punggol. Got to the bus stop and the shuttle bus was packed.. ppl squashed like mangled sardines.. so i decided to take bus no. 80 to SengKang.. went via the Geylang route *plops*.. was reading a book and when i looked up 10mins later, i was rudely surprised to find that i was still at Geylang! and thought wistfully.. if only zack can send me home.. (i'm getting spoilt.. i know) i got off at Hougang instead and took no. 62 straight to my doorstep.. it was a long onerous journey, took me close to 2 hours to reach home.. and the one thing that was stuck in my head: "is spore having a water ration? thats why ppl dont bathe?!!!" *faints*

we woke up this morning and found all of our tetras dead!
and our pretty blue guppy just died..


i love our guppies.... they are so pretty....
we got 2 red ones, 2 blue, 2 yellow and 1 silvery blue
and we only bought them last weekend
darling, u cannot let them die... :(

Sunday, July 23, 2006

the hot humid weather is making me all grumpy and irritated
a heatwave is sweeping across the nation *grimace*
my throat is getting sore
stomach a little quesy and bloated
and i feel a headache coming on...


Saturday, July 22, 2006


i've got 2 offers now.. sheesh
all i gotta give is a yes and i'd get the job
whichever one i want
but my dilemma is...
which one?!!!


Friday, July 21, 2006

at a crossroad..

been doing alot of thinking lately
and made the decision to do alil' gambling
date has been set
letter.. hasnt been typed.. yet
2 backup plans.. u must always have plan B!..
and nothing concrete to fall back on
thread carefully i was advised
once again, the gambler is back in form
(i always have a penchant for taking risk.. calculated risk i must add)

who would have tot..
yesterday.. got a call from a dear friend
an offer.. and a pretty good one
and its something concrete
so 18hours pass midnight
we'll talk the terms

dun want to grab whatever that's on the table
i need to find the balance between my interest
and my commitments
but yes, this really might be it.

*prays* i need the peace from up above

yeah, thats part of growing up
nothing is just i, me and myself anymore
no more of.. "i want to do this, i will do this.. i dun care"
and no repercussion to worry about
now there are so many considerations
so many angles to look from/at
so much planning to do
how many times i asked myself..
"if i do this, what's gonna happen?.. can i afford it?"
how my action will affect my loved one

cos now.. i've got a family!

and they are..
~1 Fighting fish (no name)
~1 Guppy (no name)
~10 Tetra (no name)
~2 dying plants

pretty big ya!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Des did this video clip for us! Aint that sweet?!! zack and i were watching the clip and were almost in tears.. we were so touched.. :) thanks gal *hugs*

you've gotta turn the music off on my blog first though..

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

my sweetheart's coming home!!!!
earliest they are flying out will be tomorrow morning, 8am!
going home now to cook him a nice dinner
his favourite bak kut teh and ladys fingers
for dessert, mango pudding with his favourite peaches
and lotsa lotsa loving!!!


i'm missing you already..

had a lovely morning.. cos my sweetheart sent me work
he had to attend court today cos one of his cases turned out to be a murder case!
been awhile since he last sent me to work.. that was when he was still working in Central.. it brought back memories when we would be, or rather i would be rushing, while he waited patiently for me, to leave the house early so we could beat the blasted ERP.

was working monotonously and having a nice chat with zack (he was back home already) when he got a call from his officer.. telling him he had to go to Indonesia tonight! he's part of the medical team despatched for the Tsunami quake..

he packed his bag and went off to station then to HQ.. called me on the way.. and he forgot one of the bags i packed for him! sheesh.. i packed 2 bags for him (previously when he was on standby for the Java quake), 1 bag for his wet toiletries like shampoo and shower cream etc and another for dry stuff like cotton buds, packets of tissue.. and in it, were some stuff.. i got especially for him.. sigh.. and he forgot that bag..

to think i was kinda bummed he will be working 3 night shifts in a row.. now, i wouldnt see him for 10 odd days.. sigh.. but people in indonesia needs him more than i need him right now..

godspeed sweetheart..
save more lives for me..
dun worry, i'll be good..

just got an sms from him, he might be able to come home for awhile tonight! *hopeful...*

Monday, July 17, 2006

should i?

i'm vex.. i'm frustrated.. i'm tired..
i cant go on any longer
or rather
i do not want to go on any longer
in short
i've had enough!

so should i take the plunge?

i wish i can do what pleases me..
what makes me happy
to show the world the finger and say, "this is it."
but i cant..
i've got commitments
so i pushed on

then again.. do i really have to?

life itself is one big gamble..
maybe its time to take one

so what are the odds?

perhaps thats the real question..

Sunday, July 16, 2006

weather had been a bitch of late
so its really no wonder i spent my afternoons this weekend napping
with the 2 little gals..
while my man is out saving lives
but the heat is definitely good for laundry!
just brought in a set and hanged out another
now our clothes smells of sunshine~

and i'm now enjoying a nice cool glass of rambutan pineapple drink... ahhhh...

we had a family dinner last friday at Rama Thai..
been awhile since we all went out for a good meal
we had a really great time that night..
and dear godma was all smiles
her 2 daughters and son-in-laws
cant remember the no. of times she told me how happy she was for me.. and watta blissful life i'm gonna have *grin*
was singing zack's parents praises the whole night.. haha
said zack's mum reminded her of mummy..
their disposition.. an outgoing mum and a quiet dad
yeah, my parents were just like them..

then went down to Cafe Oriental @ Amara Hotel for dessert
and of crse with yours truly around, the shutter went clicking
so enjoy this filmloop!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

my fetish..

was off to Century Square after work yesterday to get zack a bolster and some bolster cases. Walked around and saw some cases going for 10odd bucks and its only 250 threadcount *snout* then i saw King Koil ones were going at $8 (after 20% off) and its 100% cotton, 310 threadcount! of crse i grabbed 2.. a red and a royal blue.. then i grabbed a set of red sheets.. to match the lovely pillowcases Ben and Val got us! i was terribly terribly tempted to get a royal blue quilt cover to match the red sheets (they looked fantastic together! and with our black bedframe..) but the quilt cover was going at $70 - after discount *sob* i calculated that if i were to get the quilt cover, i would need matching pillowcases as well.. *ka ching*

paid for my purchases (which were 1 bolster, 2 bolstercases and 1 set of sheets) and circulated ard the level.. having a debate with my good angel and bad angel.. my good angel won in the end *sigh*... no mean feat for me cos i've got a fetish for bedding.. have always enjoyed lying on those lovely smooth cool sheets (egyptian cotton!) with nice matching quilt covers.. needless to say, i've got a healthy number of sheets and quiltcovers *sheepish* argghhhh.. i'm still thinking of the royal blue quilt cover! 20% off!!

as it was still early and zack was not off from work, i passed this Levi's corner in Metro so decided to try on some Levi's... HUGE mistake... cos now i'm in love with this pair!! Levi's 593 - color 2393 (i think).. its super low rise.. tight bootcut.. ultra comfy.. and it fits me really nicely! more importantly, there's lycra so it wouldnt expand after a few wears.. i love it i love it i love it!!!


self control.. self control.. self control..

then zack reached TM.. (and took me out of my misery) of crse he wasnt the least bit interested in my animated description of the astounding qualities of the quiltcover (secretly hoping he will say, "sure, go ahead and get it") but he listened with that usual amused glint in his eyes.. (humouring me.. he just dun get it.. *shake head*)

and when the story of the Levi's came on.. he immediately said he'd buy that for my bday (so clever hor!!!) saves him the headache of finding a gift for me.. *humph* he's not getting off so lightly this time... bleh :P you can buy me the levi's AND you still gotta think of something else *winks* muaks!

dinner last night was lovely.. we had dinner at Cafe Cartel.. brought back memories from our pre-dating days.. it was one of the few memorable places.. we were on our 2nd date when we had our first meal at cartel.. and now we're back there as newly weds! married life? i'm loving it! zack has been so sweet, tender, loving.. (not that he wasnt before ok, he's always been a darling :P) i'm basking in it.. for as long as the honeymoon of the honeymoon period lasts.. :P

then again, as what he always say: everyday can be a honeymoon!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

presenting to the masses....

my newly 'annointed' HUBBY!!!!

it was double blessing cos ZACK GOT PROMOTED!!! he got the news just the day before (6/7) so it was really a joyous occasion.. God's blessing upon us *grins*

Ant offered to be our driver that day so he picked us up and we managed to catch his dedication to us on his show! just before we reached Fort Canning.. cool!


waiting to go in... *heart thumping*

in prayer.. we gave thanks to God
have you ever had this feeling that everything was planned by Him?
this is one of it.. everything just feels so right..

IT'S SHOWTIME! *gulps*

in Cherish Suite - LovethatBinds

zack reciting his vows
can never forget that look in his eyes
when he said those words to me..
yeah, useless me teared...

for people who just signed their death wills,
they sure look happy

the same face for the next 50 - 60 years
thank goodness you are cute!


my darling gals! *muaks* ;D

oh yes.. this is really it!


check out the view... awesome~

ant baked us this cake! *touched*

my dear sis and godma
(jie, thanks for the lovely lingerie! its soooo pretty~)

Ant and Ben.. i love them to bits!!

On our way home...

our wedding night...
...with Johnny walker!

cheers to married life!

more pics to come when we received the rest from the other cams.. Adrian took a lovely one of us kissing.. and i'm waiting out for that! For once, zack was more enthused about updating his blog and he posted a not so nice one.. hehe... check out his blog though our pics are mostly the same.

ok, gotta go TM to get a bolster for zack..
so i'd have my pillow back! *grumbles*


back to work after a nice 5 days break..
zack was all energetic this morning..
while i had to drag my ass off the bed..
murmuring under my breath countless of time..
"i dun wanna go to work... i dun wanna go to work..."

notice the diff?
i'm gonna start typing that letter...

anyway, been lazy to post the pics though i've got them on draft
perhaps i'd post them during lunch later..
still waiting for more pics from 3 other cams (PS: SY!!!)
before i upload and publish to the whole wide world
and for those privilleged few, they got a preview already

still trying to work my brain..
apparently caffaeine is losing its appeal
i still got a quarter cup left
and its stone cold oredi.. sheesh....

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Marital Status: Married

was getting up from bed and tucking the quilt under zack (who was still sleeping).. when he gave a grin and said.. "going to blog ah?" ahahhahaa... i couldnt stop laughing cos he was spot on! gosh... my laogong knows me so well! muaks... *grins*

still coming to terms to the fact that i'm married! the favourite question asked now,"so how's married life?" well, life is somewhat the same cos we've been living together for awhile.. but there's an undeniable change in the whole dynamic of the relationship. It brings the relationship to a deeper level.. when i see zack, i see my hubby.. the man God gave me.. he's mine and i'm his!

before i go any further, i wanna give my hearfelt thanks to all our dear friends who shared our joy with us that day. In fact, i think u guys were more excited than i was.. godma and yy msged me a couple of times saying they cant wait for that day to come.. and the first msg we got that day was from Ching (i can almost see her jumping with excitement..haha).. just read her blog and it was littered with blessings for us.. thanks gal! your turn will come when u've found your Erik *LOL* *hugs* ... so here's to this special group of ppl:

~ Andy and Leanna (thanks for coming though u guys were rushing a project *hugs*)
~ Ben and Ant (u just know u gotta be there.. or i'll so kewl u! *grins*)
~ Jo, Yingyan and Siying (my darling gals! your presence meant so much to me.. wish i had spent more time with u gals that day!)

that day wouldnt be the same without any of you present.. it meant so so much to us that u guys were there to share our joy.. love u guys heaps!!! :)
and not forgetting lovely Carol and Val for their gifts! thanks gals.. we love them!!! :)

stay tune for more pics~

Friday, July 07, 2006


...i'm getting married!

kept tossing and turning last night
woke up at 6am to wash my diamonds (i dunno why)
and had a hard time getting back to sleep
so much for being cool....

Time: 9.50am
Marital Status: Single
4 hours 40 mins of singlehood

*butterflies in my stomach*

Thursday, July 06, 2006

it was a fateful friday night...

... and i was going to wala with sylvia and kelley
so i asked him if he wanted to go
and he said yes (imagine my surprise!)

we met up at borders..
at the travel section (cos we were planning a hol at Krabi)

at wala...
it was packed! we had a nice time chatting (more like yelling)
enjoying the band..
drinking.. and gosh, sparks really did flew that night
our eyes met and we smiled..
his arm was resting on the counter behind me and i moved in
(cos it was packed!)
hmmm... perhaps i was flirting too *hahahah*
then nature called and i had to peed..
rushed to the loo and this song had to come on...
it was my absolute absolute favourite song

the drummer from EIC was singing this song to his wife.. so sweet...

It Might Be You
Time, i've been passing time watching trains go by
all of my life
lying on the sand watching seabirds fly
wishing there could be someone
waiting home for me

something's telling me it might be you
it's telling me it might be you
all of my life

looking back as lovers go walking past
all of my life
wondering how they met and what makes it last
if i found the place would i recognize the face

something's telling me it might be you
it's telling me it might be you
so many quiet walks to take
so many dreams to wake
and there's so much love to make

i think we’re gonna need some time
maybe all we need is time
and it's telling me it might be you
all of my life

i've been saving love songs and lullabies
and there's so much more
no one's ever heard before

something's telling me
it might be you
yeah, it's telling me it must be you
and i'm feeling it'll just be you
all of my life

it's you, it's you
i've been waiting for all of my life
maybe it's you
maybe it's you
i've been waiting for all of my life

so we were on the way back
when zack asked me what's the name of the song
he didnt know the song?!
and said it was really nice and meaningful.. hmmm?

we then had supper (mutton chop!) and chatted way into the night..
wasnt til 5.00am when he sent me home..
sent me a msg saying it had been a long time since he had such a great time!
and i was thinking.. wow, this guy must have a pretty sad life.. hahahaha!

then he msged me at 11+am the next morning (he was in church)
asked me if i wanted to catch a movie
and cos i was bored, i agreed
ok ok... i was a tad interested too.. heh

we caught dinner and a movie at TM
he sent me home that night and we were in my room chatting
when he suddenly gave a sigh..
that sigh got my heart thumping.. i dunno why
then he told me he likes me!
(thats only our 2nd date! this guy sure works fast)

well.. it took me 4 days to think it thru
leave any baggage behind before i agreed
i work fast too.. hahaha...

and i told myself..
i'm not stupid enough to let this great guy pass me by!
and i know this is one great guy
(i do have good instincts about ppl)
his good looks and great bod certainly are a bonus!


well well... who would have thought in exactly 2 years.. they will tie the knot *smile*

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

2 more days..

been a crazy 2 weeks at work
and an even crazier day today
gotta clear my work before going on leave
talked my throat sore
typed my fingers numbed
and all i ate the entire day was an egg tart *sobs*
oh well.. its over and i'm back at home
trying to catch my breadth

seemed like everyone in the office knew i was getting married
haha.. many came by to wish me
and some asked me to relay this msg on to zack:
"tell him he is one lucky guy!"
hehehe... hear that darling?

2 more days and surprising i'm feeling calm
no jitters.. just a quiet kind of excitement
and just the sheerest joy!
oh yeah... and hungry too

so i'm taking off now to grab my dinner and a movie!!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

hilariously romantic or romantically hilarious?

sheesh... think i'm coming down with something
or still a little hanged over
aching all over the place

soft lights.. tealights.. candles..
coke + johnny walker..
and a burnt bolster!!


was a night.... we're not gonna forget for a long time
was some weekend.. and i've not recovered from it

attended my first malay wedding.. and it was pretty cool
it was Himmah's (zack's colleague) wedding and boy was it elaborate
we reached there at about 3pm
and just in time for the arrival of the bridal couple
there's some 'horse' (??) ritual where some guys did this dance
with slow and measured movements (akin to thai dance)
each took turns to dance in front of the bridal couple
who were like some king and queen sitting on dais
tot it would be helpful if the emcee explained what the rituals are for
and more importantly, if he spoke english
but it was all good
and i like the nasi briyani... so sedup!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

pretty much stoning infront of the pc now..
back home from a long hot day...
spent the day helping out at ANT'S 1st CATERING JOB! *applause*
he catered for this jewellery showcase for some tais tais
tais tais that holiday in Antartica.. watta life..

anyway, he cooked a storm and it went great!
the raves he received got his head so big
he had trouble getting thru' the door
But he totally deserved it!
and carol too.. for staying up with him peeling potatoes
(to all guys, please be appreciative of what your gal do for u!)

well me? i just assisted in preparing the canapes and hor'eves
its so easy i can prepare it on my own!
parma ham, figs and mascapone cheese.. and voila!
perhaps i'd prepare for zack one day
(and he'll be so thoroughly impressed with me *smirk*)
with some champagne..

all in high spirits and ready to head back home
when his mini bus's batt went flat!
wat an anti-climax... hahahhaa..

alright.. i'm too tired to carry on..
think i'd do some reading and take a nap..
zack's out watching soccer with his colleagues
was supposed to join him
but was tired and its really soccer and guys
not exactly my cup of tea
while i watch soccer with him at times
half time will find me snoozing soundly on his lap
so yeah.. let the guys do their stuff
while i stay home and veg
and have my long-standing affair with nora roberts..

oh.. and i got 3 presents today! *grin*