Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, June 11, 2006

green fingers or black?

decided to try my hands at gardening so went to the florist to get a pot of morning glory.. but was told that its not in demand so the orchard doesnt carry it. Thats ok, cos there's a better alternative.. i can plant it myself!

so i bought a pot, potting soil and a packet of seeds. Got down to work this morning and planted my seeds.. while zack watched by.. and said to my plant.. "may you rest in peace.." humph!

(i'll show you boy! *thumb nose* my plant will bloom and you'll have to eat your words and my flowers too! and i shall have the last laugh... bleah!)

see the plant on the left? that's zack's.. he bought his from ikea (note: i'm planting mine from scratch) and the flowers dropped after the 3rd day *guffaws*... talk about black fingers..

so now, we've got:
:: 2 dogs
:: 2 plants
:: had 2 fighting fishes

before zack's Fishy committed suicide... silly fellow jumped out of the water and landed on the floor.. this one on the right is mine, didnt managed to take a pic of zack's Fishy before he died.. well, didnt think he will kaput so soon... may he rest in peace...


de said...

Definitely black fingers. Will say a prayer for your unborn flowers. hehe. Muaks! =)

ju said...

oi! dun curse my 'gloria' ok and u better stop singing that song!

bleh! muaks! ;P