Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

the dress.....

i found it! i found it! i found it!!!!

its gorgeous... its ommmphhh.. its outstanding... and i loveeeee it to bits! but i've not bought it yet.. hehe... reserved it for 3 days to 'think it through'.. cannot be impulsive mah.. cos it aint cheap so must go back and chew on it... did i mention i loveeeee it?!!! its... hmmm.... not white nor pink or any pastel colors which brides usually favour.. i simply cant imagine myself in those sweet pastel satin dresses..

saw a bcbg piece online and fell in love with it.. but it was going at a whopping price of USD368 which was completely way out of my budget.. went to blum yesterday with Kel to check out if they carry it.. they didnt and no dresses caught my eye.. i tried only 1 dress while Kelley tried 6! and she bought one... hahaha... thats Kel for u...

we then went on to Marina Square... Miso has beautiful dresses.. more on gowns / cocktail dresses which weigh a ton! (money wise as well) none was suitable.. very elaborate with all the beadings and sequins.. and i'd prob look like some getai singer.. combed other shops and it was the usual ding dong..

"dun like the hem..."
"its not my color..."
"bustline is not flattering.."
"i look fat in it.."
"its too casual / elaborate.."
"dun like the material.."
"cut is not nice.."

awright.. i know.. i'm really picky but there's simply no click... when i see it, i'll just know it

just when we wanna call it a night.. we passed Warehouse and decided to take a look.. and there it was... the minute i saw it, i grabbed Kel and said, "Kelley, i want this!"

and zack wasnt the least bit interested in my enthusiatic explicit description of the dress... all he asked was... "so how much is it?"

oh darling.... money is really immaterial.. and its never good to talk about money... now dun worry your sweet head over it.. muaakksssss...

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