Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, June 08, 2006

am i missing something?

its high time to get my ass down to getting ready for my big day
so checked out some forums on the woes of other brides-to-be

so in the forum, we've got brides-to-be crying out for help on their ROM dress (off the rack or made-to-measure? long or 3/4?).. MUA (makeup artist).. ROM packages.. hand bouquet.. etc.. they seem so lost, blur and frantic.. and they have like 2 months to prepare (!!).. and i wonder.. am i missing something? cos a month to my day.. i'm still pretty unfazed

i wonder if thats a good thing or not..

its like, there really isnt much to plan.. (is there?)
i just need to pick my dress..
i basically know what i want, its just a matter of finding it
Johnny's gonna do my hair in the morning
then it'll be off to town to get my makeup done
(gonna get $120 worth of MAC products and get a free makeover!)
hand bouquet? many florists around..
i even got my driver all set, ready and "enthusiatic" *winks*
see... piece of cake

now what else have i got?

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