Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, March 13, 2006


this guy from our US office is coming in for some presentation for a group of internal staff tomorrow.. with no prior background information watsoever, he sent me this:

"Dear Julia,
Please reserve a large Marsh meeting room, ready for multi-media, for 11:00 a.m. tomorrow and arrange some water and soft drinks."

1) i dunno who the heck this guy is.. based on his email, someone from US
2) i was pulled into the loop without head nor tail
3) "arrange some water and soft drinks.." excuse me.. do i look like a maliyah to you??!!! and for internal staff??
4) i work for the CEO's office, i dun take instructions from dumbass like you
5) you didnt even get my name right!

i replied: "all rooms with that facility are fully booked."

his reply: "find a solution."



Coldguy said...

Never mess with people you don't solely manage. Old addage for offices, what you can do is purposly spike the water...oh the pranks will fly.

ju said...

'give them an inch, they want a yard'.. now, thats another adage.