Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, March 10, 2006

and the sun is rising...

this 'create post' page took 15 mins to load! goodness gracious...
my pc is so screwed!
i am so gonna take it apart and sell it off when i move

so it's a quarter to 7am... and i've not been to bed
i'm on leave!!!

surfing and blogging while zack is gaming in the room next door (that's why i'm using my pc) passing time.. while we wait for the sun to rise so we can go to ikea! The furnishing sale starts today and members-only presale starts at 8am. Of course we are not those kiasu singaporeans wanting a headstart to a sale.. we just couldnt get to sleep so decided to wait out..

had a late supper at 1.30am: Thomson Prata! the cheese and bom prata tastes specially good tonight.. wonder why.. and surprisingly, there was quite a crowd on a weekday night.. no wonder singaporeans are getting fat.. all these late suppers *tsk tsk* and we are one of them *opps* then off to zack's place to collect his mails.. my dear boy just got his second card *hai* and it'd better be his last! what's with guys and credit cards and cars? better dun complain too much cos he sup a card for me! a Citibank Platinum somemore! hehe.. still gotta pay for what i sign ok.. any discounts darling?? *bats eyelashes*

then went to check out the fishing area in punggol.. intending to go fishing this weekend! gonna be sooo fun! i am finally going fishing... by the time we got home, took a shower.. its already like 5am... talked about our house some (as usual).. got too vived that we just cant get to sleep.. which brings me to now.. typing a senseless post..

okie.. zack's done with his game... gtg now!

1 comment:

Coldguy said...

When in doubt, don't use your PC, go to one in an internet cafe' or library. :P