Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, March 18, 2006

cook cook cook..

just got up from a nap
i love long afternoon naps
had a funny dream..
...dreamt that zack playfully pushed me into a pool not knowing that i was holding my digicam and when he pulled me up, i was dripping wet, glaring at him and shoved my spoilt digicam to him.. got me so mad! but i was secretly pleased cos he gotta buy me a new one and i'm asking for a canon SLR! ahahahha... whatta dream... but i really do wish for a SLR cam..

so it's 6pm and i better get my ass to the supermart.. cooking dinner tonight.. after a long hard day at work, my boy needs a good nutritious home-cooked meal!

so whats for din?
- chicken herbal soup
- chicken cheese fillet
- sambal fried ladysfinger (his usual favourite)
- onion omelete?

think i'd walk a few rounds and see what i can come up with for the 4th dish.. jeez, 3 hours before he'll be home.. better get my ass cracking!

have a good weekend folks! Adieu~

1 comment:

Coldguy said...

My choice would be E, grilled cheeseburger. Basically a melt with hamberger in the middle. Pretty good.