Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, March 31, 2006

i've got music!

can i boast now?
right... mp3 is up! i did it.... all by my lonely self.. *smirk* been asking around and either they were as clueless as i was.. too lazy to help or i dun understand a single word they were muttering about.. *sigh* as i always say... you want something done, you gotta do it yourself!

went to various blogs and 'view source'.. did a little tweaking here and there.. trial and error and hey presto.. it works!!! and mind u, i'm no IT gal...

gosh.. i cant stand myself.. i'm so clever!!!

*dun choke* :D

penny wise pound foolish

..that's us

to cut cost, we bought some simple cheap mentos lights for our kitchen, rooms and toilets.. simple with a clean-cut look but the warm-white flourescent tubes emanates this awful pinkish stark light.. which makes everything look so sickly

now we back on the hunt for lights.. again.. more dough flying out.. we must have gone to Balestier like a 101 times..


lesson learnt: pay peanuts.. get monkeys

on a happier note..

my new toy! so pretty...

and my boy... so sweet :)

thank you darling.. love you tons! *hugz*

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


i've got a new toy!!

i glitter but i'm not gold
i make music but i'm not an instrument
a swirl lengthens me to one times two

what am i?

"Inspiring Imagination..."

Monday, March 27, 2006

what happened last night?

at 5.50am...

got woken up by pappe's barks.. and i heard some noises outside.. shot right up and woke zack.. and we heard this whacking sound. its loud and obviously just outside our room. Sounds like someone's out there! *gasps* We got up and zack said to look for something long and hard.. but we cant find anything that is long and hard! and the noise stopped and started again.. i tell u.. my heart was thumping real hard and i was thinking.. "crap, we're gonna be killed by burglars and we've not gotten married!!" i then locked the door and the noise stopped! Jeez.. it was freaky... i was more worried about pappe and began shoving her into the wardrobe..

armed with a glass bottle of room spray (which is barely longer than zack's palm) and this little picture we bought from Koh Samui, held our breath, inched opened the door... and creeped out, looking right and left repeatedly (wat a pathetic sight we made) i inched forward and zack pulled me back and stepped infront (oh my man..) and i covered his back.. (like some CSI scene) we cautiously combed the living room... the toilet.. then the computer room..

and we realised.. it was the wind! and the whacking sound were the curtains... and a clock toppled when the curtain hit it...


we tumbled into bed and burst out laughing.... how silly we were! zack couldnt stop laughing at how i shoved pappe into the wardrobe... while i was going hysterical at how he was looking for something long and hard....
... and he said we need to get a dog who can protect us.. not the other way round

Morale of the story: A house needs at least 2 dogs! *winks*

my my.. this was as embarrassing as it was funny....

Sunday, March 26, 2006

the red and the black

more shots of our kitchen

the red and black (its dark grey really).. oh so sexy!

its pretty spacious uh... and not too dark

over the breakfast counter..

crap.. how am i ever gonna close that?!!!

as it is.. its still open

Saturday, March 25, 2006

we've got color!

that's our barang barang: lights, toilet accessories, shelves, hood and hob, sinks.. etc... spent a hot sweaty afternoon checking and labelling them so the contactor knows which goes where..

.... and the guy probably delivered the wrong color tube


here's our shoe cabinet.. oh, thats our living/dining/kitchen wall color.. COOL SLATE.. Frank (our Interior Designer) was skeptical bout it but we both like it.. and it turned out great (like seagreen).. now even Frank agrees it worked out well.. but i tot it will look better if it has a slight tinge of grey.. but no one can say it's boring for sure *winks* its all good! now i cant wait to see it against the cement screeding floor..


our red glass mosiac.. set off real nicely by our dark grey cabinets... i like the way the red/grey/green comes together..

2 high lounge stools to complete the picture... we can have breakfast here!

THE BEDROOMS ... every room with its unique character

laminate with skirting.. i love the feel of our laminate.. doesnt have the usual hollow feel of laminate and there's a lightly rough texture.. reminds me of the spa place we go to..

this contraption fascinates me... reminds me of those hollywood flicks

our chillout room,. in KIWI GOLD - 2006 Color of the Year's where we will have our computers (side by side infront of the window).. surf the net, play games.. a little armchair at a corner for me to read.. a cabinet to put my books and zack's records and what not..

a cool, cheery color.. for us to relax and chill out

the other room.... in GLACIER GREY

...quarrelled with your bf or gf? no worries... seek refuge at our little cozy nest.. we've just the room for you.. its soothing blue-grey color and white romantic furniture is sure to give you the respite you need.. there's even a RATTAN CHAIR with sheep's skin (i'm putting that in dear!) by the window for you to laze in and enjoy the lovely seabreeze and view of Coney Isle..

booking must be made 2 days in advance.. at a fee of $250 per night.. throw in $60 and we'll include breakfast and a listening ear.. for some special guests, we offer a discount of 10%!!

lastly... our loveroom... in LAVENDER MIST

...romantic mauve: i know this is the color for our master room the minute i saw it.. sophisticated, warm with a tinge of feminity.. perfect for romantic nights.. a little dark though but c'mon.. how much light do u need.. hahaahhaha.... (no naughty thoughts please...)

with our dark toilet.. and our wardrobe.. jeez, awesome! funny we didnt really crack our heads over our room and its turning out to be my favourite.. *grins*

toilet.. in dark grey.. mirror and sink/tap up soon and yes, no door... "why no door??!!" u ask... well, more wonderful things will unfold in due course :D

zack and i are having a good laugh over how our nest is turning out... a tad off from what we envision.. seems like a fusion now... a little rustic, a bit of contemporary and a dash of retro.. ahhahahaha... but its our home and we love it!!!

next up: the lights...

stay tune!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

ohh..... to correct any misperception if it seems like i bought zack the suit, shirt and cufflinks (got more than 2 ppl exclaiming whatta good fiancee i am.. haiya, needless to say.. but i only take credit when its due :P).. only the shirt & cufflinks i'm taking credit for.. i love him more than life itself.. but for the life of me, i'm not THAT rich.. heh

now.... should i get this red coach pouch i've been eyeing on for ages... or maybe i should just buy a dog... or maybe a....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

oh so dashing..

the search continues....

for zack's suit.. for our ROM!!!

he only wants a Zara suit *stuckup* so we were off to the biggest Zara outlet.. the suits there were the ult! and boy, zack in a suit sure makes me drool... there were like 2 or 3 other guys trying on some suits but they look no where as good as my zack! *beams* he looks totally mag! he has the height and the frame.. and when he stepped out of the fitting room, i fell in love all over again.. makes me wanna jump him! yum yum...

had a field time yesterday shopping for his shirt and cufflinks.. and there's only 1 shirt for him.. a Raoul shirt! jeez, i'm like more excited than him.. once you see a Raoul shirt, all other shirts feel like sackcloth.. it's Egyptian cotton.. and its so soft and cool and fits him to the T! well it'd better be good cos it cost me a bomb.. (imagine $119 for a shirt... and thats lower-medium range!) got my bonus so its my treat to him though i wonder why when ALL of my bonus goes to our house.. but its so worth it cos he looks so dashing.. and we got some nice simple cufflinks.. (Andy, we saw cufflinks in words like 'The Groom', so apt for you!)

and you should see the ties at Raoul.. oh man.. another story all together..

i was thinking... thank goodness zack doesnt work in an office... i'll be so broke buying shirts.. ties and cufflinks for him.. like every other week.. i'm addicted!

so now, let's get up close and personal...

Zara suit: $299
Raoul shirt: $119
Cufflinks: $55

Total damage: $473

understated.. oh, what good taste we've got!

so here's the exclusive showcase of... Mr Narcisstic!!! (i had to set my cam on speed mode cos i couldnt stop laughing.. so if the pics are blur.. pardon me)

check me out...

the casanova

the executive.. (that devilish grin.. again)


..... *giggles*

my personal favourite

*guffaws* and you say i'm vain.... ahahahaa... got plenty more (outrageous) shots but i'm not allowed to post them.. for private viewing only.. hah

and zack bought me a lovely turquoise/brown (tonal) gypsy skirt! saw it at FutureState some months back but i wasnt prepared to pay $70 for a skirt.. guess what? its on 50% off now!

i have this sudden thought: find a guy who makes you laugh...

1 essence of chicken
2 cups of coffee

and i'm still sleepy....


Monday, March 20, 2006

a throwback in time..

so its 1am in the morning and i really need to get to sleep soon.. but i cant seem to stop listening to my mp3.. my 'oldies' - songs i've collected throughout the years.. said it before and i'll say it again.. music is all powerful.. a few notes can bring back a wealth of memories and those ole feelings came rushing back..

like how Blue - You make me wanna reminded me of the time when ant and i were out cruising in his big merc bus, blaring lee's voice off his speakers.. (we were not in love!).. how listening to PJ & Duncan - Eternal Love reminded me of my sec school days... how JLo & Marc Anthony's No mi ames brought me back to Union Square with Vincent teaching me Salsa... and how Dela - George of the Jungle reminded me of a time at Ant's when Ben got me so mad when he said this was such a awful song.. and Sam had to be the peacemaker (once again..).. and of crse feeling the heartache again listening to some ole sad songs.. (i'm not in love with simon!) and there's this korean song i always feel so sad just by listening to it.. dun ask me why, i dun understand a single word that was sung.. hah... yeah.. such a throwback to the past...

... and that recording he did on our 1 mth anni, when he sang It Might Be You.. cant imagine how time flies..

note to jo: and i wanna say thanks.. *hugs*

Saturday, March 18, 2006

cook cook cook..

just got up from a nap
i love long afternoon naps
had a funny dream..
...dreamt that zack playfully pushed me into a pool not knowing that i was holding my digicam and when he pulled me up, i was dripping wet, glaring at him and shoved my spoilt digicam to him.. got me so mad! but i was secretly pleased cos he gotta buy me a new one and i'm asking for a canon SLR! ahahahha... whatta dream... but i really do wish for a SLR cam..

so it's 6pm and i better get my ass to the supermart.. cooking dinner tonight.. after a long hard day at work, my boy needs a good nutritious home-cooked meal!

so whats for din?
- chicken herbal soup
- chicken cheese fillet
- sambal fried ladysfinger (his usual favourite)
- onion omelete?

think i'd walk a few rounds and see what i can come up with for the 4th dish.. jeez, 3 hours before he'll be home.. better get my ass cracking!

have a good weekend folks! Adieu~

Friday, March 17, 2006


day is finally over... *weeps*
and i tot i'd never see the end of this week..
rough week covering Theresa (my boss) who is on leave for the entire week.. of all weeks, it just gotta be this week.. the big boys down from US.. all the presentations.. then the Chartered Roadshow is confirmed.. all the planning.. preparation.. packing off our clients and Jon (big boss) off to London.. gosh.. spent the entire week doing her work.. while mine is left sitting on my table like some forgotten child.. gotta clear my backlog.. its vicious.. this cycle

but it's alright.. i pulled through
guess thats more important
meeting the gals later for some bitching session
boy do i have loads to bitch.. hah


since my last payday...
i've not bought a single stitch of clothing! (undies not included)
4 days more to go.. ahhh... hang in there..

then i heard wingtai is having sale..
Fox.. Topshop.. Topman.. G2000.. Nike... up to 80% off!!!
sale dates: 18 - 19 March

how how???
oh darling... u can buy your suit at G2000 *LOL* no need zara lah..


try as i might... i'm still annoyed
over a stunt someone pulled last weekend
it was rude, inconsiderate and downright spoilt

sigh.. it just proved me right again

Thursday, March 16, 2006

oh pulleazzzeeee...

was enjoying a cool drink at a joint the other day and saw this couple engaging in an openly display of affection.. in full view! not an affectionate squeeze on the shoulder or pat on the thigh but smooching & those long languid strokes on the hair.. on various body parts *cringes* i'm no prude and am known to be affectionate but i've always believed in proper conduct in public.. what disgusts me is that the couple in question are not kids in their teens, with hormones raging and doesnt know any better but young adults who are supposed to be mature in certain sense.. jeez.. had the urge to tell them to please do their personal grooming at home.. i was so embarrassed for them.. Then i began to think.. "what made them behave in such a manner?" i'm sure they are fully aware of their behaviour..

ran that by zack when i got home.. he had proven to be an exceptional judge of character on countless occasions.. he has this innate ability to read a person extremely well and i've come to rely on his opinions.. while i will go off on tangents and tell a long grandmother story, he is always able to summarise and give a succinct verdict.. once again, his analytical brain rears.. while i was off describing the minute details of the 'engagement' and how my stomach turns just watching the gal stroke the guy's arm.. etc.. all he gave me was one sentence: "they are insecure.."

and i was like: "gosh, u are right.. i didnt see it that way!" he pointed out that couples in stable relationships do not behave in this manner cos they do not have the need to 'show off'.. it was almost like this couple was telling the world.. "hey, look at us, see how loving we are" but they didnt realise that there is a fine line between appearing affectionate and looking ostentatious.. and as a woman, i feel sorry for that woman cos it really didnt look good on her.. 'westernized' or not, a woman should always conduct herself with respect.. i sound like some principal

a stolen kiss here and there is fine.. a quick nib on the neck or a squeeze on the butt when no one is looking is ok (dun tell me u dont do that :P).. such engagements are between a couple, not for people to see! playful sexual teasings between a couple are actually healthy.. but smooching and stroking blatantly infront of people or friends (it's almost deliberate) is really hard to take..

thats my take anyway.. oh well.

Monday, March 13, 2006


this guy from our US office is coming in for some presentation for a group of internal staff tomorrow.. with no prior background information watsoever, he sent me this:

"Dear Julia,
Please reserve a large Marsh meeting room, ready for multi-media, for 11:00 a.m. tomorrow and arrange some water and soft drinks."

1) i dunno who the heck this guy is.. based on his email, someone from US
2) i was pulled into the loop without head nor tail
3) "arrange some water and soft drinks.." excuse me.. do i look like a maliyah to you??!!! and for internal staff??
4) i work for the CEO's office, i dun take instructions from dumbass like you
5) you didnt even get my name right!

i replied: "all rooms with that facility are fully booked."

his reply: "find a solution."


Sunday, March 12, 2006

40 mins to leaving home for indoor stadium..

... outside look like this

i would say.. "perhaps someone needs the rain more than we need the sun.." but i'm not psyched to reach my destination looking like a wet rat.. this time, He must have decided we need the sun more.. cos the rain stopped!

couldnt get too good shots.. this was the best zack's 800i could do

"you'd never have a friend like me..."

i especially love the Little Mermaid piece.. when they played Part of Your World.. their moves were terrific! and Mulan was hot!!! but the winner was really Beauty and the Beast..

can you see Nemo?

and here we are!

...and i call this zack's playboy look
he looks like some rich playboy right?!!

Friday, March 10, 2006

and the sun is rising...

this 'create post' page took 15 mins to load! goodness gracious...
my pc is so screwed!
i am so gonna take it apart and sell it off when i move

so it's a quarter to 7am... and i've not been to bed
i'm on leave!!!

surfing and blogging while zack is gaming in the room next door (that's why i'm using my pc) passing time.. while we wait for the sun to rise so we can go to ikea! The furnishing sale starts today and members-only presale starts at 8am. Of course we are not those kiasu singaporeans wanting a headstart to a sale.. we just couldnt get to sleep so decided to wait out..

had a late supper at 1.30am: Thomson Prata! the cheese and bom prata tastes specially good tonight.. wonder why.. and surprisingly, there was quite a crowd on a weekday night.. no wonder singaporeans are getting fat.. all these late suppers *tsk tsk* and we are one of them *opps* then off to zack's place to collect his mails.. my dear boy just got his second card *hai* and it'd better be his last! what's with guys and credit cards and cars? better dun complain too much cos he sup a card for me! a Citibank Platinum somemore! hehe.. still gotta pay for what i sign ok.. any discounts darling?? *bats eyelashes*

then went to check out the fishing area in punggol.. intending to go fishing this weekend! gonna be sooo fun! i am finally going fishing... by the time we got home, took a shower.. its already like 5am... talked about our house some (as usual).. got too vived that we just cant get to sleep.. which brings me to now.. typing a senseless post..

okie.. zack's done with his game... gtg now!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Day 1...

cement screeding done for the bedrooms

wall is gone.. so are the wall tiles
that's our kitchen by the way

our house is gonna be soooo nice, darling!!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

7 March 2006

:: it's our 20 month anniversary .. and someone forgot :( ..
:: we would be booking our solemnisation 1 month from now .. it's the earliest we can book ..
:: in exactly 4 months.. we will be married! .. if i say it often enuf, i might stop freaking out :P ..
:: our reno starts TODAY!!! *ready steady bom pee pee!*

so today.. they will be hacking the wall seperating our kitchen and living room

i feel like some Bliss Cafe fish & chips and cheddar fries..

Monday, March 06, 2006

mussels aplenty.. ju asickly

think i'm down with something
threw up last night
stomach making waves
must be from eating ant's mussels
an allergy.. i think
i'd best steer clear from oysters and the likes..

jeez.. and i thought it was pre-martital nerves *roll eyes*
was thinking how screwed i was..
that i even threw up just thinking about getting married!
when in actual fact..
it was those mussels!!

and i must stress.. no fault of ant's!
(i gotta add this if i want him to cook anything for me in future)
he was so so sweeeeet
must have cooked a HUGE pot of mussels
and when he dropped carol off to get her stuff on sat,
he dropped 4 tupperwares of chilli mussels
zack & i had a late night and werent home
so he left it outside our house
so sweet right :)

oh oh... did i mention zack & i caught 10 prawns last sat! ant, how did you and carol ever managed 0 prawns???!!!! wait... did you know those cockles are meant as baits and not to be eaten? *guffaws* let's go prawning one day! now.. do you hear a challenge?

jittery jittery ju..

feel much better after chatting with jo and ant
in the same boat.. thats what jo and i are
feel better knowing i'm not the only one going thru this
been trying to make sense of things
cos i've never never been this way

being stupid about things
sensitive over the silliest stuff
unsure of who i am
throwing crazy tantrums
head going haywire on me
excited.. elated.. but at the same time...

i'm not going crazy..
i'm not screwed up..
i've got a name for it..
pre-marital jitters

need to snap out of it quick
need to take up a hobby
need to relax and lighten up
need to have one last fling (just kidding)

sheesh.. i feel like throwing up (seriously)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

the things i do

spent an hour on the phone with zack so now i gotta pay penance
its 8pm and i'm still at work
with an aching back and a pounding head

been extremely stressed...
couldnt afford retail therapy
so i went for a $25 haircut instead

i cant believe i did that