Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, January 31, 2005


another week awaits..
think i'll start my payroll tomorrow coz planning to go on leave..
another bout then another bout..

nice relaxing weekend with my dear..
movies, sleeping, lazing around, reading, home-cooked meals (tom yum soup with steamed sea bass.. yummy, melted cheese/sausage bun.. lovely)
was nice.. really nice :)

caught Hotel Rwanda last night at J8
a film all should watch
not for special effects or superb cast
but for the knowledge of wat goes on in this world of ours
deeply saddened and disturbed
amazing how nonchalent this world can be
oblivious to the plight of people they value as 'dirt, filth' lesser beings
why? becoz they are black? poor?

passed a stray dog lying in the middle of the road on our way home
got me worried for awhile
people would prob pass him off as a mongrel
why? becoz he is a stray? becoz he is not a purebreed?
is a purebreed's life worth more than that of a mongrel?
no its not.. its not

awright, enough of this!
just some food for thought..

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