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Friday, October 30, 2009

Post from Wed: My poor baby had a fever :(

Megan and Mummy are at the hospital now..

Our little darling had a fever on monday afternoon.. so Zack and i rushed her to the hospital. I noticed she was a little moody that day, her smiles were harder to coax. Thought she felt warm and took her temp - 38degrees! I quickly woke Zack up and off we went to KKH. But she was ok and all cheery in her carseat. Sick still so happy.. haha. Even when the PD was checking her, she was still smiling at me! :) We felt better seeing that she wasnt in much discomfort. Fever dropped abit.

We were dismay to know that cos Megan is only slightly more than 3 months, it's better to admit her. Hospital policy is to admit babies 0-3months in cases of fever. And even more dismay to realise that all beds are taken up except B2 and C :S We are now on the waiting list for Deluxe, A and B1. Its not too uncomfortable but i dun want Megan to be treated by Housemen with little experience.

One incident was yesterday's episode with the catheter. Urine sample had to be collected to test for infection - suspected case of UTI. We did it 3 times and they were all contaminated! So last resort was to insert a catheter into the urethra to get the urine direct. The houseman was trying to insert and Megan was screaming her lungs out. I was horrified to see the housemen took the tube out with a little blood and said she wasn't sure which one is the correct hole! And asked a MO (Medical Officer) in to assist.. WTF!!!! She doesnt know which is the right hole?!! And she might be poking into the wrong hole all the time! And my poor baby was screaming away :( From all the discomfort, Megan peed and we managed to get good sample, no need for insertion! And our little darling was smart... peed all over that houseman!!! Good gal!

Sorry, my baby is no training ground for inexperienced doctors. We only want good docs to treat her. We should have gone to Gleneagles once we realised the higher classes are full.. *sigh* B2 wards are non-aircon and 6 bedded. Imagine the noise. Babies and toddlers crying into the night. By 7am the curtains had to be pull cos docs are doing the rounds. It was good that Megan is a sound sleeper.. she has been sleeping through the night. Mummy is the one who gets woken up every hour.. not to mention the 'bed' provided.. i can feel the metal bars under the cushion!

Thank God Zack had the foresight to buy medical insurance for Megan. It was just approved actually. Megan's medical bills are covered 100%, up to A class in private hospitals. I'm getting less impressed by KKH. Next time we might just go straight to Gleneagles. Wait a minute... no more next time!

We are now waiting for the senior doc to know if we'll be discharged today. Megan's fever had subsided since Monday night and she is all perfectly normal. Her usual self.. feeding well and smiling away :)

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