Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Butterfly kisses.....

"of all i've done wrong.. i must have done something right..."

It's meant to allow us to get more sleep but 8am found me awake, pumping and missing.... with only 6 hrs of sleep under my belt. Wonder if Megan's awake already? Is grandma and grandpa playing with her?

After dropping Megan off (she slept all the way w/out even a peep!), Zack, I & Pappe head off to taokee for a late dinner. Had my favourite hotplate venison and Zack had his crabs! No good movies to catch and Marky was too tired for shisha so we head off home. We were actually pretty beat but wanted to take the time-off for some activities.

It was so strange having dinner at taokee then heading home.. just like before. And not rushing to bed to get as much sleep possible for the next day's long drill. And just chatting and laughing out loud without worrying about waking Megan. But it was strange... i cant believe our old life is strange now! hahaha. Felt a pang when i went to Megan's room and she wasn't sound asleep in bed.

But i was glad Zack & I had some time for ourselves. Having a baby changes things.. the attention had shifted and it's so easy to let things slide. So it's imperative that we make the extra effort to keep the flame burning.. haha. More i-love-yous, more affection.. and yes, we are totally in love with Megan but we have to stop talking about her and just focus on us sometimes. I must bear that in mind cos i look at her pics even when Zack and i were out alone! hahaha. He gotta remind me that its 'our' time.. hehe. I have a hubby who needs and deserves my attention and affection too!

It makes me love him more when i see how much he loves Megan. Hey, i just realised it's like a circle! Everyone loves everyone and bcos of that, everyone loves everyone more! Okay.. i dunno wat i'm talking about :P

When Zack worked day shift (8am - 9pm), he dont get to see Megan at all. By the time he comes home, she'll be fast asleep. She'll only able to see Daddy at her 1-2am.. with sleepy eyes. So Zack had not spent any time with Megan for the past 2 days.. only getting sms updates and being jealous that he didnt catch her laughs (she started to laugh!!).. haha. He missed her so much that he insisted on carrying her all the way to grandma's last night :) I had to lug all the bags and Pappe (and i fell down! :( ) but i didnt mind. I've always love watching Zack carry Megan like she's crystal and looking tenderly at her. She looks so protected :) It brings to mind this song.....

Always get teary-eyed when i listen to this...

I love Megan so much and i want the world for her..
and i'm thankful she has a Daddy who loves her.
I dun have a Daddy who has the ability to sing this song to me..
but i'm happy Megan has one :)
She has a Daddy who'll teach her to ride a bicycle,
who will kiss her tears away when she has her first fall,
who will sneak candy behind mummy's back,
who will stand at the door and glare at any boy who dares come sniffing ard his little gal.
who will walk proudly down the aisle with her but with tears in his heart..

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