Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, October 30, 2009

it's good to be home..... *exhausted*

2 days in the hospital.. cant begin to say how exhausting it is.
Megan on the other hand had been a great gal.. hardly fusses and naps during the day. (There was a 5month old baby who kept crying at night and didnt wanna sleep. His mum had to on the noise machine so he could. While my little gal slept like a log throughout.. :) ) She was tired cos her sleep kept getting interrupted. Every now and then got to be woken up to collect urine sample (it kept getting contaminated!!), blood test (it's heartbreaking:( ), take temps etc... She is perfectly normal, no fever.. and still very active. Though she seems bored. I was too. So it's i look at her, she look at me.. haha.

So on the last day, i brought her down for some shopping! Bought some toys from Mothercare and The First Few years. A flower mirror and a cloth book - she's gonna be a beauty with brains! Zack said i'm too corny.. hahaha! Hey she likes the book! She stares at it in fascination and fingers the pop-outs :)

We were discharged on Wed. FINALLY got a clean urine sample and culture test result showed bacteria so she was diagnosed with UTI :( It is not serious as it's only in the bladder and not kidney. But we still got to monitor til she is 1 year old to make sure her kidneys are okay. Doc said she would need to be on drip for antibiotics and had to stay a minimum 3 days. But bcos she hasnt had any fever since Monday night and she looks well, they gave her oral medication.. and we could go home! Hospital is just not conducive for recovery. She cant sleep well, it's too noisy.. curtains are drawn too early at 7am, lights off only at 10pm. Her sleep routine was getting out of whack. We just couldnt get a room in A class which really sucks.

All in all... i am glad she is fine. It's a mild infection and recovery is underway. I cant help wondering if i had done something wrong or if i havent done enough. If i had done more, would i be able to prevent this from happening. 3 months old and my poor baby fell sick.. *sigh* With all the viruses floating about, i know its inevitable that babies fall sick. But i was hoping she'll be sick-free for at least the first 6 months. Somehow i feel like i failed her...

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