Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, October 15, 2009

9.15pm: Finally.......

..... down for the night.
both Megan and I.
Got her down for the night at 8pm and i managed to get chores done:
- ironed Zack's uniform, he's working tonight
- see Zack off to work (oh it's a chore cos i dun enjoy it.. i rather he stay home!)
- washed the dishes
- boiled water for tomorrow
- cleaned up the kitchen

Dining table is still messy but i'm too tired, shall leave it to tomorrow. Been up and about since 8am and it's 12hrs of non-stop action.. seriously! I've never felt this tired in my entire life and i'm amazed i've not fallen ill once! No joke i tell you... When night falls, i morph into this grouchy bitch, easily irritated. But i gotta wonderful and understanding hubby who understands that i'm just really worn out from the day. I get really grouchy when i'm very tired. Zack on the other hand is extremely good natured and tempered. (Not that i wanna boast k but it's true :P) When i get into a bitch rant.. he'd just hug me and say,"It's okay.. i understand... you're just tired." That effectively stop any rant and i morph again into a sweet wifey.. hahaha! But i also have to be mindful that he too has his plate full with work and our little bundle (though full of joy but also full of work)... so cannot rant too much! Appreciate the little things and let the unimportant slide.

SOooo now... finally some free time for myself! :D

My cafe is doing well.. earning lotsa money! My restaurant is on a stand-still now.. haha. I'm just getting the daily free ingredient and Zack is helping himself to them. And yesterday he got my restaurant to buy an arcade machine and gift it to his restaurant cos he ran outta money! So smart ah..

Our Restaurant Talk....
(Zack chasing me to go for dinner)
Z: Come let's go eat.. aren't you hungry?
J: Yes I am.. but i'm waiting for my french onion soup to be ready.

hahahaha... we got it bad.

Some shots of our little darling..
she is 12 weeks old already!
it's true.... at the end of the day, just a smile from her and the tiredness from the day just dissipates :)

(copy and paste from Megan's blog:
Megan was in her rocker gazing peacefully at the toys dangling from above and i was sitting on the sofa just infront of her. I noticed that my breasts were full and made an exclamation to myself. I looked up and saw her looking at my breast and grinning away! She looked so happy to see it (food!) Hahahaha.... My greedy piggy!

And that was when i took the 3 shots above :)

(Marky always ask me for shots of Megan. This God-father is very taken in with his God-daughter.. haha. I direct him to her blog and he never seem to remember the url! tsk tsk... So yeah, Megan's shots/updates are posted there though some may be duplicates)

Pretty lashes! :)
I say she got my lashes.. and i dare anyone to say different! *fierce*

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