Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, October 31, 2009

...and it's time to resize our pockets!

Bought Zack a present! *grins*
Ordered on ebay and it arrived on Thursday! Very fast delivery.. just one thing - wrong item sent! :S Gotta send it back and it'll be 2-3 weeks before Zack can get his present... tsk tsk. Must wake my darling up later cos post office closes at 1.30pm.

We've been on a shopping spree of late. Bought tons for Megan!
Now that she has hit 3months.. it's time to retire some clothes, bring out new ones and buy some niceties. On thursday, Megan and mummy went shopping with daddy's credit card while he went for his haircut.. hehe. I havent told him yet! :P
Fox: 2 t-shirts, 1 bodysuit, 2 knit leggings
Kiddy Palace: 3 sets of pj, 1 disney footed onesie - best buy!
Price Tag:$12.90!!!
Original Price: $29.90

......and i'm still not done yet! So tempted to do some Gap online shopping now.. First Favorites on 20% now!
Baby's Hyperstore: A Bumbo seat!

ooooh check out this stroller! Aint it pretty?!

fit for a princess!
Price tag: $789
This can be Megan's travelling stroller. You should see the look on Zack's face when i told him that... hahaha! Of crse i wouldnt get this lah.. it's insanely priced. Money dont grow on tree okay. But so preeeeety right?? Zack liked another stroller.. more like a carriage. Very european. Price tag: $2000+! I have to admit it's totally gorgeous... Jeez, why are we looking at strollers?? Megan already got a Quinny! For what we paid for it, she'd better snuggle in there for the next 4 years!

Now i'm contemplating buying her this play/exercise gym. I wonder if it's worth the money but she really do need some entertainment and exercise to hone her motor skills. She hates tummy time so perhaps this will help.

Opps.. my little boss is up!

Friday, October 30, 2009

it's good to be home..... *exhausted*

2 days in the hospital.. cant begin to say how exhausting it is.
Megan on the other hand had been a great gal.. hardly fusses and naps during the day. (There was a 5month old baby who kept crying at night and didnt wanna sleep. His mum had to on the noise machine so he could. While my little gal slept like a log throughout.. :) ) She was tired cos her sleep kept getting interrupted. Every now and then got to be woken up to collect urine sample (it kept getting contaminated!!), blood test (it's heartbreaking:( ), take temps etc... She is perfectly normal, no fever.. and still very active. Though she seems bored. I was too. So it's i look at her, she look at me.. haha.

So on the last day, i brought her down for some shopping! Bought some toys from Mothercare and The First Few years. A flower mirror and a cloth book - she's gonna be a beauty with brains! Zack said i'm too corny.. hahaha! Hey she likes the book! She stares at it in fascination and fingers the pop-outs :)

We were discharged on Wed. FINALLY got a clean urine sample and culture test result showed bacteria so she was diagnosed with UTI :( It is not serious as it's only in the bladder and not kidney. But we still got to monitor til she is 1 year old to make sure her kidneys are okay. Doc said she would need to be on drip for antibiotics and had to stay a minimum 3 days. But bcos she hasnt had any fever since Monday night and she looks well, they gave her oral medication.. and we could go home! Hospital is just not conducive for recovery. She cant sleep well, it's too noisy.. curtains are drawn too early at 7am, lights off only at 10pm. Her sleep routine was getting out of whack. We just couldnt get a room in A class which really sucks.

All in all... i am glad she is fine. It's a mild infection and recovery is underway. I cant help wondering if i had done something wrong or if i havent done enough. If i had done more, would i be able to prevent this from happening. 3 months old and my poor baby fell sick.. *sigh* With all the viruses floating about, i know its inevitable that babies fall sick. But i was hoping she'll be sick-free for at least the first 6 months. Somehow i feel like i failed her...

Post from Wed: My poor baby had a fever :(

Megan and Mummy are at the hospital now..

Our little darling had a fever on monday afternoon.. so Zack and i rushed her to the hospital. I noticed she was a little moody that day, her smiles were harder to coax. Thought she felt warm and took her temp - 38degrees! I quickly woke Zack up and off we went to KKH. But she was ok and all cheery in her carseat. Sick still so happy.. haha. Even when the PD was checking her, she was still smiling at me! :) We felt better seeing that she wasnt in much discomfort. Fever dropped abit.

We were dismay to know that cos Megan is only slightly more than 3 months, it's better to admit her. Hospital policy is to admit babies 0-3months in cases of fever. And even more dismay to realise that all beds are taken up except B2 and C :S We are now on the waiting list for Deluxe, A and B1. Its not too uncomfortable but i dun want Megan to be treated by Housemen with little experience.

One incident was yesterday's episode with the catheter. Urine sample had to be collected to test for infection - suspected case of UTI. We did it 3 times and they were all contaminated! So last resort was to insert a catheter into the urethra to get the urine direct. The houseman was trying to insert and Megan was screaming her lungs out. I was horrified to see the housemen took the tube out with a little blood and said she wasn't sure which one is the correct hole! And asked a MO (Medical Officer) in to assist.. WTF!!!! She doesnt know which is the right hole?!! And she might be poking into the wrong hole all the time! And my poor baby was screaming away :( From all the discomfort, Megan peed and we managed to get good sample, no need for insertion! And our little darling was smart... peed all over that houseman!!! Good gal!

Sorry, my baby is no training ground for inexperienced doctors. We only want good docs to treat her. We should have gone to Gleneagles once we realised the higher classes are full.. *sigh* B2 wards are non-aircon and 6 bedded. Imagine the noise. Babies and toddlers crying into the night. By 7am the curtains had to be pull cos docs are doing the rounds. It was good that Megan is a sound sleeper.. she has been sleeping through the night. Mummy is the one who gets woken up every hour.. not to mention the 'bed' provided.. i can feel the metal bars under the cushion!

Thank God Zack had the foresight to buy medical insurance for Megan. It was just approved actually. Megan's medical bills are covered 100%, up to A class in private hospitals. I'm getting less impressed by KKH. Next time we might just go straight to Gleneagles. Wait a minute... no more next time!

We are now waiting for the senior doc to know if we'll be discharged today. Megan's fever had subsided since Monday night and she is all perfectly normal. Her usual self.. feeding well and smiling away :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Butterfly kisses.....

"of all i've done wrong.. i must have done something right..."

It's meant to allow us to get more sleep but 8am found me awake, pumping and missing.... with only 6 hrs of sleep under my belt. Wonder if Megan's awake already? Is grandma and grandpa playing with her?

After dropping Megan off (she slept all the way w/out even a peep!), Zack, I & Pappe head off to taokee for a late dinner. Had my favourite hotplate venison and Zack had his crabs! No good movies to catch and Marky was too tired for shisha so we head off home. We were actually pretty beat but wanted to take the time-off for some activities.

It was so strange having dinner at taokee then heading home.. just like before. And not rushing to bed to get as much sleep possible for the next day's long drill. And just chatting and laughing out loud without worrying about waking Megan. But it was strange... i cant believe our old life is strange now! hahaha. Felt a pang when i went to Megan's room and she wasn't sound asleep in bed.

But i was glad Zack & I had some time for ourselves. Having a baby changes things.. the attention had shifted and it's so easy to let things slide. So it's imperative that we make the extra effort to keep the flame burning.. haha. More i-love-yous, more affection.. and yes, we are totally in love with Megan but we have to stop talking about her and just focus on us sometimes. I must bear that in mind cos i look at her pics even when Zack and i were out alone! hahaha. He gotta remind me that its 'our' time.. hehe. I have a hubby who needs and deserves my attention and affection too!

It makes me love him more when i see how much he loves Megan. Hey, i just realised it's like a circle! Everyone loves everyone and bcos of that, everyone loves everyone more! Okay.. i dunno wat i'm talking about :P

When Zack worked day shift (8am - 9pm), he dont get to see Megan at all. By the time he comes home, she'll be fast asleep. She'll only able to see Daddy at her 1-2am.. with sleepy eyes. So Zack had not spent any time with Megan for the past 2 days.. only getting sms updates and being jealous that he didnt catch her laughs (she started to laugh!!).. haha. He missed her so much that he insisted on carrying her all the way to grandma's last night :) I had to lug all the bags and Pappe (and i fell down! :( ) but i didnt mind. I've always love watching Zack carry Megan like she's crystal and looking tenderly at her. She looks so protected :) It brings to mind this song.....

Always get teary-eyed when i listen to this...

I love Megan so much and i want the world for her..
and i'm thankful she has a Daddy who loves her.
I dun have a Daddy who has the ability to sing this song to me..
but i'm happy Megan has one :)
She has a Daddy who'll teach her to ride a bicycle,
who will kiss her tears away when she has her first fall,
who will sneak candy behind mummy's back,
who will stand at the door and glare at any boy who dares come sniffing ard his little gal.
who will walk proudly down the aisle with her but with tears in his heart..

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Gonna miss my little mac tonight :(

Grandma and Grandpa requested to have Megan over tonight.. whole night. While I dont mind the respite.. i know i'm gonna miss her tons :( Though i wonder why they want her for the night and not day, she'll be sleeping all the way. Megan now sleeps for 14 hours! 8pm - 10am.. with 2 feeds in between. One at about 1-2am and another at 6-7am. That's really great for a 3 month old baby... and it sure is easy on Zack and i :)

Godma and Rachel came over this afternoon! We had a wonderful time chatting and playing with Megan. Megan was all smiley and Mama heart melts.. haha. Godma says she smiles very easily.. and is a very smiling baby. A very tough one too. She said i didnt smile this easily when i was a baby... Guess she takes after Daddy (again!)

My little princess @ 3 months :)

Life is goooooood.....

...........very gooooooood!

i just so love her cheeks! *bite*

Okay.. Zack is on his way home!
gotta go get Megan's stuff ready..
more pics on the way!
i've been taking so many my hp is running out of space.. haha
there are some shots which i cant bear to delete: Zack& i, Pappe, my bday dinner at Jaan, my Omega, some Maldives shots.. and now Megan's. Arggghhhhh... like that how???

Friday, October 23, 2009

Chatting with Tong Tong now..
she's all alone in BKK :(
guess events got too much to handle and she needed a break from it all and escaped to BKK. No one knows where she is.. friends and family. I'm the only who knows. I really hope she's fine..

Sometimes all we want is a little peace and quiet.
a place where all we have is our thoughts.
but when we get there, we realise that sometimes even our thoughts get too much to bear.

Nothing happened, just feeling pensive..
fact is, i've been holed up alone with Megan for days...
with only Zack to talk to.. and of crse Megan who dun understand a word i say.. haha. Feeling bored!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

9.15pm: Finally.......

..... down for the night.
both Megan and I.
Got her down for the night at 8pm and i managed to get chores done:
- ironed Zack's uniform, he's working tonight
- see Zack off to work (oh it's a chore cos i dun enjoy it.. i rather he stay home!)
- washed the dishes
- boiled water for tomorrow
- cleaned up the kitchen

Dining table is still messy but i'm too tired, shall leave it to tomorrow. Been up and about since 8am and it's 12hrs of non-stop action.. seriously! I've never felt this tired in my entire life and i'm amazed i've not fallen ill once! No joke i tell you... When night falls, i morph into this grouchy bitch, easily irritated. But i gotta wonderful and understanding hubby who understands that i'm just really worn out from the day. I get really grouchy when i'm very tired. Zack on the other hand is extremely good natured and tempered. (Not that i wanna boast k but it's true :P) When i get into a bitch rant.. he'd just hug me and say,"It's okay.. i understand... you're just tired." That effectively stop any rant and i morph again into a sweet wifey.. hahaha! But i also have to be mindful that he too has his plate full with work and our little bundle (though full of joy but also full of work)... so cannot rant too much! Appreciate the little things and let the unimportant slide.

SOooo now... finally some free time for myself! :D

My cafe is doing well.. earning lotsa money! My restaurant is on a stand-still now.. haha. I'm just getting the daily free ingredient and Zack is helping himself to them. And yesterday he got my restaurant to buy an arcade machine and gift it to his restaurant cos he ran outta money! So smart ah..

Our Restaurant Talk....
(Zack chasing me to go for dinner)
Z: Come let's go eat.. aren't you hungry?
J: Yes I am.. but i'm waiting for my french onion soup to be ready.

hahahaha... we got it bad.

Some shots of our little darling..
she is 12 weeks old already!
it's true.... at the end of the day, just a smile from her and the tiredness from the day just dissipates :)

(copy and paste from Megan's blog:
Megan was in her rocker gazing peacefully at the toys dangling from above and i was sitting on the sofa just infront of her. I noticed that my breasts were full and made an exclamation to myself. I looked up and saw her looking at my breast and grinning away! She looked so happy to see it (food!) Hahahaha.... My greedy piggy!

And that was when i took the 3 shots above :)

(Marky always ask me for shots of Megan. This God-father is very taken in with his God-daughter.. haha. I direct him to her blog and he never seem to remember the url! tsk tsk... So yeah, Megan's shots/updates are posted there though some may be duplicates)

Pretty lashes! :)
I say she got my lashes.. and i dare anyone to say different! *fierce*

Saturday, October 10, 2009

It's getting cold in here!

oooohhhh.... been awhile since i update here.
pretty busy with stuff and Megan and running a restaurant (make that 2) and a cafe.. hahahha! Ju is one busy busy woman!

Zack is back to work this week :(
He was off the previous week and enjoyed his company! He didnt even go fishing, though i told him he could.. stayed home with Megan and me the entire time *beams* We brought Megan out.. and also managed to enjoy some quality time to ourselves :)
Wed: Caught 'The Ugly Truth' at TM. It was totally hilarious and a must-see! Had a nice meal at Secret Recipes. The irish lamb stew.. oh the irish lamb stew~ reminds me of our KL trip :)

Fri: Brought Megan to the office and also to my previous office. I so miss Theresa, who is like a mother to me. Somehow it was like coming home, with all the familiar faces.. Evelyn, Sam, David, Stevie, Jenny etc.

Met the gals for dinner and drinks at Airport T3. Brought Megan along so Zack could get some peaceful sleep. Sy really surprised us! She was carrying Megan the entire time! We sure werent expecting this maternal side of her... didnt even know she enjoys babies.. hahaha :)

Sunday: Marky's birthday. BBQ at his house. Till now.. i'm still dreaming of his rib-eye steak! Pity we had to leave early. Was enjoying myself. Really miss those days where we'd hang out at his basement on weekends and head off for supper. Oh did i mention Marky FINALLY got hitched?!!! Her name is Christina and i really like her! :) Happy for him and he'd better treat her well.

Cant remember which day it was when we had dinner with Chris and Ellyne at Ikea. That's another lovely couple :) They were helping us push Megan (in her stroller) around Ikea and Zack & i get to hold hands! See how deprived we are... haha. Chris and Ellyne just selected a unit at Punggol Residences - same as Ching!!! Whoa... we are all gonna be neighbours :) Only wish we'd still be in Punggol when they move over. Zack and i have plans to move if opportunity is good.

Okay.. gtg do some reading before Megan is up.
my time evolves around her now.. haha.
more photos when i've more time to post.. right now i'm uploading them to facebook.

rainy sat today..
wishing i can laze in bed with my new NR book...

oh! airtickets are booked!!!
My darling is planning this trip.. haha. Let's see if he does it as good as moi ;)

Thursday, October 01, 2009


Evelyn just said Megan is starting to resemble me!!!
She is my BFF now!!! :P

I'm so proud of myself...
what i have been up to:
Yesterday: Re-organised Megan's room.. It looks different now!
Today: Between Megan's naps and feeds, i've cooked lunch (a whole meal mind you), washed the dishes and utensils, mopped the floor, did the laundry... and it's only past 4pm :)

Jeez.. being a homemaker sure aint easy! Hours fly by and i just dunno what i'd been busy with. When Megan is up, i'd usually play with her (she is so fun to play with now! all those gummy toothless grins) or watch Travel & Living with her. Today we caught "1000 places to see before you die" and it was PARIS! As the hosts went from site to site.. Effiel.. Arc D'Triompe.. Notre Dame.. i was telling Megan that mummy and daddy went there for our honeymoon.. and one day will take her there :)

As it is.. we are bringing her for her 1st holiday soon! Though Zack likes to say Megan's 1st holiday is to the Maldives.. hahaha. When she was only a tiny little seedling :)

Now what i'm finding out: How to dress a 6 month old baby in a climate of 10 - 20 degrees celsius? Any help?