Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Darling Hubby bought me my favourite snacks....

.....cos i had a tough day with our LM :)
that's to cheer me up and they are all mine! dun need to share! :P

he's the sweetest!!!
muaks! love you many many!

gosh.. Zack is really good at Restaurant City.
he rearranged my layout and it's doing better!
i'm reaching level 8... wooohoooo!
cant believe he's so addicted to this game.. hahaha

10mins and i'm heading to bed..
Megan has knocked out and hopefully stays down for another 2 hrs.
She was an angel last night..
slept for 5hrs between her 2 night feeds!
Zack only had to wake to do the 3am feed while i did the 8am feed.
though i woke at 5.45am to pump cos my breasts were engorged.
SLEEP..... i shall never take you for granted.. ever!

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