Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, September 13, 2009

a mini date with my darling dearest!

its past 9 and my little Megan is sound asleep nex to me..
pappe was lying next to us (dun let the grandmas noe)..
read her the story of Noah after her feed..
as i cuddle her in my arms and she doze sleepily..
i cant help this surge of love and i just tear - hormones still out of whack.
gosh i love this little one so much.. and guess what?
she's mine! :)

Zack and i managed to grab some time to ourselves this afternoon!
PIL babysat for us while we catch a flick at TM :)
it's been too long!
my darling hubby treated me to Fish&Co..
that's for being the best wife and mum.. awww... *blush*
i love you too baby!

he's at work now..
somehow i'm missing him tonight..

hoping Megan will sleep long hours tongiht.
she slept from 8pm - 1.30am last night.
Zack and i both knocked out and we managed to get 5.5hrs of sleep!
thats really a recording breaking 5.5 hrs for me!
sleep really does wonders to my disposition... seriously.

gonna do some chores then hit the sack..
megan dear.. pleeeease sleep til past midnight again...

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