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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Zack and Ju in Venice!


We are in Venice.. 6:40pm in the evening. Rained the whole of today so we get to experience acqua alta - high tide. Planks are set up around Venice as there is flood. Quite a bummer but it is still all good! Sure is romantic walking arm in arm in the rain (with brolly of crse) and sipping hot cuppacino in nice cosy cafes. Frigging cold.. probably 12 degrees and vapour when we breathe out. Fun! Oh guess wat? The italians can bring their dogs into the cafe! I miss pappe :( Hope she is not tearing. Dad told us she was tearing the last time we went on hol. Bought them dogfood from Florence.. haha. Venice is beautiful and we got the loveliest hotel!

Anyway, Florence was AWESOME! My favourite Italian city.. Venice is beautiful but too many tourists.. you would think you are in the states with all the americans around. Bummer.
Rome was lovely with beautfiul buildings but i fell prey to those blardee gypsy kids. Wat joy. Handphone gone so ppl, please dont call nor msg me. Line suspended for the time being. Heart aches cos that is my bday present from zack :( Sigh... hard lesson learnt.

Alright, gotta go soon. Going for a nice dinner. We have been spending most of our money on food! Not sick of italian food yet.. haha.

We are off to Paris tomorrow!



Princess said...
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Anonymous said...

Good to noe you 2 enjoying yourself thoroughly!

Hp snatched nevermind... what matters is you're safe and sound! :)