Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

i'll so BEHAVE... if you get me this!


Oakleys BEHAVE - Berry / G40 Black Gradient


Oakleys JULIET - Plasma / Ice Iridium

Yeah! this is the shades Scott Summers (Cyclops) in X-Men wore. It's so incredibly COOL! Zacky's 2nd birthday present *grins*. Jeez.. at the rate he is going, he's not gonna get any bday present in Dec. I think i spoil him rotten sometimes (ok ok, he pampers me tons too).. imagine, a Zara coat AND a Juliet. It has to stop. Ok, no more presents for him now. Budget reached.

so let me tell you about my virgin ebay experience!
Auction was at 5.19am this morning. So zack stayed up for it (so sweet right?) and woke me up 9mins before it started. There were already 11 bids by then. 'Buy It Now' Price was US$159.99 and we managed to hit the Reserve Price of US$139.99 (the lowest price the seller is willing to sell it for).


I was a tad disappointed there werent any bidders tussling with us towards the end. I always enjoy a good healthy fight and emerged the winner of crse *lol* But we did win the item at the reserve price so i'm not complaining. Singapore is retailing at $386.. so imagine a cost savings of more than 100 bucks!

I must admit that it sure was thrilling.. especially during the last 2 mins. Zack was at the wheels while i was grabbing him tightly in excitement.. holding my breath during the last 10 secs while we kept refreshing the page.. So fun!

to zack: We're gonna be 2 monkeys! Bleh! (private joke)

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