Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, July 16, 2007

wedding bells..

just got back from Gary and Shuqin's wedding.
it was really lovely and feeling so happy for them.
4 years of courtship and they finally tied the knot tonight :)
must be something in July..
truly a wedding month.
attended 2 weddings today.
Tini's wedding (Malay) at noon - nasi briyani so sedup!
then rushed down to church for Gary and Qin's church ceremony.

so i'm really totally dead beat now.
it's been a crazy weekend.
all i can remember doing is sleeping, waking up, going out to meet the gang, come home, sleep, wake up, going out again.
oh oh.. we caught HARRY POTTER!
with Mark, Fu, QY on wait.. was it friday? or sat?
oh yeah, it was sat.
fri night was... another shisha session.
(and watching of the 45min video :P)
Mark's basement is starting to feel like home to us.. hahaha
there's just something about that basement that makes u feel real comfy.

think i caught a chill at the dinner.

okay gtg!
zacky's calling.
going to watch our wedding video Daphne (zack's cuz) filmed for us! :)
she's so sweet :)

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