Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the one with Mark's new basement, pongteh and 10 yr old boys cartoon

it's 5.40pm... day zoomed past in a flash.
not a bad thing IT block msn again actually..
went to get our wedding day albums during lunch.
spent a bomb but they sure look good.
why is it anything good cost so blardee much?!!
but it's for keeps..
thats how i console myself..
now i cant get the earrings.. *sigh*

Zack picked me up from work ydae
and we popped over to Mark's.
The guys rehab the basement!
looks more spacious and neater now.
and it smells pretty good - for a change.. hahahaha
ok lah, the musky scent wasnt too bad ;P

makaned at Ivins, this peranakan restaurant.
man oh man... nostalgic...
the pongteh was good!
but not as good as mummy's :)
i miss u.....
we have just found another makan place!

the 4 of us then head back to Mark's.
(Mark, Fu, Zack and Ju)
imagine a group of 26, 27 yr olds..
lying on mats and cushions,
aircon humming.. lights out.. rain pitter pattering outside
watching Visionaries!
it's this cartoon the guys watched.. some 17 years back.
i fell asleep.

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