Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, July 13, 2007

2 weeks of silence...

so what had i been up to?
(some of u had been following my wedding blog)
oh, i got married!
what am i talking about? i AM married.. for a year long!
zack was funny..
he hugged me and said.."you're officially mine!"
i was like..."excuse me... then what was i for the past year?!"
*LOL* but i get what he meant.
we kinda feel 'complete'.. now that we're man and wife under the eyes of God. And deep down in our heart.. this is where it matters most. Not legally but spiritually. The dynamics of our marriage had changed.. and being blessed by Pastor Johnny.. who had watched zack grow up from a little boy to the man he is today.. makes it even more meaningful :)

Our wedding...
...was perfect to me.
What more can a gal ask for when her hubby seranades her infront of 200 guests and publicly declares his love for her? *soft sigh* :)
my eyes are not the only pair damp with tears.
i still look back at that night with a glow in my heart *smiles*

a nice long thank-you post is in the works.
complete with pics and all.
so watch this space!

it's been 6 days after the wedding and i'm still not feeling well.
been coughing my lungs out
and my throat hurts... *sigh*
i reeeeally do not like difflam...
cant take cough meds cos it'll totally knock me out
and i'll be like a zombie at work.
like that how to get well??? ayeee..
i'm feeling really sleepy even as i'm typing this.
is it me or am i feverish?
i think it's me.
i always 'almost' fall sick... but hardly ever do.
hard to garner sympathy hugs and kisses.. dammit.

i received a gift..
something i like.
but with mixed feelings.
why so?

something's in the pipeline for me!
now that our wedding is over,
its time to focus my energy on other avenues.
starting in Aug!

**Updates: on our HONEYMOON!!!
airtickets are issued.
Italy hotels are confirmed.
time to book our Paris hotel and our airtickets from Venice to Paris!
13 weeks and 6 days to go!

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