Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, July 30, 2007

was some weekend.. the lovely kind

we slept too early and way too late.
now that the wedding is over,
we finally got the time to wind down
and just relax.. go part-tow.. talk abt our HM..
simply enjoy each other's company :)
we got the whole weekend to ourselves
didnt meet up with any friends
just zack and ju.. for 2 whole days
i feel like we're slowly finding our balance
and coming to terms on the expectations of marriage
i'm learning.. slowly but surely
we're getting there.. slowly but surely

so on Sat, we went to relieve some memories
had a buffet dinner at Holiday Inn Park View (its complimentary!)
spread was so-so but the memories were fond.
there was a wedding at the grand ballroom that night
and that got us started on our wedding night..
yeap, we still talk about it with that sparkle in our eyes
and nope, we wouldnt do it any other way if we could do it all over again.
it was as perfect as it can be to us.

night was young after din so we went in search for a new part-tow place
zack brought us to Labrador Park
it's this whole stretch of park which overlooks the sea
Sentosa and the many ports we have.. i think one is Jurong Isle.
it will be the perfect part-tow place if there werent that many ppl fishing
you see a whole line of fishing rods and big families with kids running amok.

that's Sentosa at the far end
we can even see Mt Faber!
and the string of cable cars

herein lies my hubby
and i love him to bits

and... and....

zack couldnt find a better, cheaper hotel
for once he was so 'on' about doing his homework.. haha

doesnt it look like something out of a fairy tale book?!

got the superior room and requested for the room with a jacuzzi!

a 17th century vaulted cellar

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Paris Paris.... where to stay???

after tons of research
got down to 7 hotels
spread it out to my 'CEO' *buffs*
spreadsheet and all.
and we settled on 1!
a 17th century quaint hotel in an excellent location!
located in the 6th Arrondissement - Latin Quarter/St. Germain
walking distance to River Seine/Lourve/Luxembourg garden/Notre Dame and 1.5km to Effiel Tower.
great location!
awesome rooms - we want that room with a jacuzzi!!!
family-run.. with Sputnik the cat and Hugo the dog in residence - i like!
but.. but...
its a blardee $386 per night!

the prob with European hotels
is that they are frigging ex!
everything comes with a price
a below 300bucks room will be either somewhat dingy
or in a less than ideal location.
but this hotel i found,
is soooo perfect...
we need huge pockets!!!

zack said if he cant find a better one by tonight.. we'll book this!!!! *beams*

Thursday, July 26, 2007

a trip to the stylist... again

there is always this nagging tug when i'm not totally satisfied with something.
so when the falsified straightening effect wore off
the waves set in.
my new hairdo takes on its actual form.
pyramid was what came to mind.

so a trip to the stylist (a different one!) i have to make.. again
yeap, my crowning glory is very important to moi.
got Yvonne to layer the ends
steep my concave
hey presto!
that was one happy ju walking outta Yvonne's salon *grins*

i'm sooo hungry now
and zack is only on his way home.
Marky flew off to Lismore tonight
gonna miss him tons!
wanted to send him off just now
but couldnt make it in time after my session at Yvonne's.

i'm real dead beat too.
seems like i can never sleep enough.
been clocking in an average 5hrs of sleep every night since Sun.
totally knocked out flat last night.
felt like all my energy had been zapped out
and it rendered me boneless.
maybe i'd go take a nap to sleep off the hunger while waiting for zack.

and i still havent gotten my Harry Potter :(

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


there are days when i just get abit off
and do something really drastic.


funny thing is...
ching did the same! *LOL*
we took pics of our new hairdo and showed each other thru msn (so terribly vain! :P)
i nearly wept when i saw my lovely locks on the floor...

so here is the gal who went crazy..

zack said whatever the outcome is,
he'd still love me just as much.. *LOL*
he hasnt seen it yet.
wait til he gets home!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Our Wedding Shots... the DAY



Yuki with the key to the door
i wish Pappe was there...

my sister and Godma :)

THE GROOM is here!

Apple Cider Vinegar!

Bitter gourd with coffee powder

"hey! wat are u guys doing?!!!"

"Oh yeah! i'm thru!"

so we'd like u to think.. ha!

Marky wants to be the bride too.

with the guys..

with the gals..

Our Wedding Shots... the NIGHT

our Unity Candles.. 7 of them :)

we can't cut that cake! ahahahaha..

watching my video for zack..
oh man, i look hideous on screen!

Zack serenades me......


Des and Chris belting.. "I've Finally Found Someone"
Fugene playing guitar
Mark playing percussion

Then the fun begins....!

yes, we did a Catch-the-bouquet in the banquet hall! *LOL*
QY caught it!

i love this shot!

these are some we love.
more to come.
stay tune.