Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, June 04, 2007

my pre-monday blues are starting earlier - Sunday morning/afternoon when i wake. Oh well.....

this weekend..
i alternate between being a maliyah and a couch potato.

So i did the laundry, scrubbed down a toilet, tidied the house. After the nice workout, i was looking forward to a nice rest infront of the telly with 'Happy Never After' on and a nice cuppa vanilla ice-cream in Kahlua.. when my darling hubby woke up from his nap and took over the telly. And went: "Isnt watching Star Wars with your hubby better? :)" *grimace*


11 June 2007: Food Tasting
23 June 2007: Cakes Distribution / RSVP
28 June 2007: Final Fitting
:: Our Wedding Album will be out!
just finalised the final layout of our pics. I'm not too entirely happy with one pic and i wanna change it to another but its too late *wails* Zack thinks the pic is nice but... but... it's not the nicest!!! The album has to be perfect.. the pics have to be the nicest! Nothing must be short of the best :(
:: Choosing of bridal bouquet/car deco

what else? what else?
i've started to get nightmares and panic attacks.

Zack is going over to Fu's place tonight to get some stuff done. He wouldnt tell me what but it's got something to do with the wedding. What can it be?!! *jumps*

and we'd like to give thanks for awesome parents.. for their generousity and selflessness. I'm touched.. immensely. And i'm not one who ever forget any good someone did me. *touched*


Anonymous said...

The sad song and the happy mood doesn't gel... :P

Oooohhh I cannot wait to see your album! It would be juz perfect since you're beautiful! That's all it matters in a picture. The subject(s) (zack & U) are looking good... can already!

As for anything else you left out...we can maul over it together this Fridae!

Anonymous said...

i'm too lazy to change it..
still enjoying it and who knows.. my mood might plummet tomorrow.. haha

no no.. the pic not nice.. we dun look nice in it. Why we chose that in the first place is beyond me. *sigh*

so friday is my call ya?


Anonymous said...

How do u know who's talking??

Anonymous said...

She juz noes... from the spelling... from the tone lor!