Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, June 22, 2007

havent been updating this blog cos just too busy maintaining 2 blogs.
busy with wedding prep so "My Wedding Blog" has been receiving all the attention.
i've got a link to it on the right side-bar for easy access.

i'll leave the happy stuff for my wedding blog.. haha

i'd just refused a $2K gift - cash.
stupid or what?
it's principles i say.
i appreciate the gesture nevertheless.
i've always been weird about money.
i dont ever borrow,
even when i'm downright broke.
i'd rather eat bread then ask someone for money
(save for Zack lah, but he always stuff me money.. haha)
it's been this way since young,
so much so that my mum will put a note in my wallet now and then.
cos everytime they asked if i needed money, i'd say no.
i dunno why... just a quirk.

nice lunch with Kel.
she'd been thru what i'm going thru now.
it helps to know that everything is actually normal.
that we're not the only ones going thru it,
some actually got it worse.

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