Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, June 17, 2007

my litany..

looking at next week, my days are getting packed..
we've got marriage counselling, meeting with hotel coordinator.
i have ang pow box hunting with Jo/Sy (which i'm really looking forward to)
and here's the best one..

and at work... Payroll time
(which i probably can wrap up in a couple of days)
and 2 outstanding issues before i can go on leave at ease
- Leave
- Travel

now for the mundane day to day issues..
spent $37 on groceries yesterday..
groceries nowadays are getting really costly.
as said, cooking for 2 person is not too cost effective
but of crse, we get healthy food
and the food i cook.. are rather healthy i must say
i only use olive oil, hardly any sugar, msg, salt etc.
no deep frying - only bcos washing of the oil-stained stove is a chore.. haha
my new OIC has been very stressed out at work
not an excellent time for added responsibility
with the wedding coming up.
so i donned my apron and got to work
(coming home to a home-cooked meal is always nice)

sorry ching, i forgot to take a pic and show you what an ABC soup looks like.
well, its basically a rojak soup.. haha.
it houses: carrots, potatoes, onions, chicken, tomatoes, button mushrooms, corn. My favourite soup cos its easy to prepare (though plenty of chopping) and its highly nutritious, tasty without any seasoning (look at the amount of ingredients).. the colors are attractive :P

gonna hang out my laundry then put on a DVD
before i get my fat ass off and get some chores done.
i've been fighting a losing battle with the dust (generated from the construction going on right infront of our block!) and pappe's fur (which she has a problem keeping to herself) *sigh*

oh, i've set up a wedding blog..
just updates on our wedding prep.
check it out when you've time to kill.

and an email from the gals.. almost made me cry.
thanks gals.. for helping me thru a difficult period *huge hugs*

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