Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, June 01, 2007

After 3 days of course,
i'm back at work *sucks*

the course was okay..
albeit boring and slow.
Jeannie and i sat at the back of the class..
surfed the net.. chat..
but c'mon, after awhile even surfing gets boring.
the room was cold and i got fidgety.
crap.. and there was a 50-min test at the end of the course.
but guess what? I aced it!
what can i say.. i'm a genius! *smirk*
zack said i got a MIN - Masters In Nonsense (1st class honours)

so after 3 days of course + 1 holiday,
getting my ass off to work this morning was an onerous task.
when i stepped into the office.. i'm faced with... crap
i dun wanna talk about it.
it just sucks.. big time.
i cant wait to get out.

Anyway, on to some happy stuff.

FINANCES.. or the lack of
- its certainly not happy stuff but i'm building to it

a trip to Hong Kong with the gals is coming up
and i was worried about my finances.
ya know.. with the wedding prep and all.
To top it off.. a couple of days back,
the window pane in our living room cracked!
so we had to replace it on our dime cos our 1-year warranty had lasped.
if u ask me.. its bullcrap.
its the building structure for goodness sake and we have to pay for it?!
not as though we played soccer in the house and cracked the blardee glass.
*sigh*.. and of all time, the stoopid glass has to crack NOW.
when we are at an all-time low on funds.
that's like another few hundred gone *deep sigh*
it never rains but pours....

so yeah.. i was worried.. deeply worried.
and thinking twice about the trip.
which got me pretty bummed cos i really do wanna go.

then zack told me he's getting a bonus in July and...
he'd fund my Hong Kong trip.. as my wedding present!!!!!
*be still... my heart*
imagine that?!
my hubby's giving me a trip for my wedding present?!!
i wanna get married every 5 yrs! (to the same person mind u)

jokes aside.
but... i dunno if i can let him do it.
All of our bonuses had been blown.. on our house and wedding..
so this will be his 1st bonus where he can just do whatever he please with it..
and a huge portion of it will go.. to me.
its... just... not right.

more good news..

So it's official!
Zack is the new OIC of his station!
OIC = Overall In Charge
OIC = Outstanding Isaac Chan *guffaws*
certainly put him in good stead for the next promotion up to Warrant Officer (the one with the gold buttons.. ahaha)
he's also the youngest OIC around (in terms of years on the force)
i'm so proud of my man *beams*

we can only give thanks to God *smile*

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