Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, January 07, 2007

oh yeah!

D'sire agreed to give us 10 additional photos!! so now we've got 38 photos. A part of me hope the photos wouldnt turn out too well cos then we'd have a huge headache choosing them.. from 2 photoshoots! (1 photoshoot has an approximate 400 shots?) But it'll be a good experience for us cos come our actual photoshoot with Ave8, we'd know how to handle the camera. Hopefully. And... the dates fall on a weekend, which means i dun have to take any leave *ready steady bom pee pee*

But zack will be working night shift on those dates.. so he'll be really tired on the second day.. Know he's not too entirely psyched about this.. cmon, which guy enjoys photoshoots.. hah.. but he's doing it for me.. *touched* i got the best laogong in the whole wide world!!
Damn, this also means i only got 3 weeks to shed that 2 horrid kg! and tone up those biceps! i'll start tomorrow..

so how was your weekend?
mine was nice and restful *smile*
life is finally settling down after the festive season
Fri: caught Night At The Museum
u just gotta catch it.. its totally hilarious!
got me laughing long after we left the cinema
"you dumb dumb
i want gum gum"

Sat: sleep, sleep and more blissful sleep
we went shopping.. and its not window *winks*
cant put anything in our pockets now
there's a HUGE HOLE!
head off to Himmah's to collect some coals he got for Mark
had a great time chatting with Farina
while Zack and Himmah were in the room surfing hookah sites *roll eyes*
then off to Mark's
i cant smoke shisha now.. hai
my lungs are just not conditioned for such stuff

*side track: Mark said he'd postpone his semester if need be just so he could attend our wedding in July.. cos its only once in a lifetime we'd get married.. we are both so so touched.. seriously. Other friends who so generously offered their help are..
Tim: who said just call him if we need him.. in any way.
Yiming: offered to be our videographer if he can make it back in time for our wedding.. he's in aussie.
Jason: offered his car as our bridal car
We may/may not take them up on their offer but the fact that they came out and offer their service, is more than enough :) Though none of them reads this blog, i still wanna say this: "Thanks guys, these little offers of help means so much to us. Its something we'd hold dear to our heart always and remember, our friends in need.. are friends indeed.." *Hugs*

Sun: Mrs Housewife
~ grocery shopping - supermarts have started playing those cheesy CNY songs *groans*
~ laundry
~ clean / tidy house
~ cook dinner
~ prepare to feel the monday blues

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