Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, January 04, 2007

good hair day..

so it must be true! wat legend says....

so 4 days of break is over and its back to the crazy madness at work.. nonstop action, nonstop hits.. only at 78 Shenton Way. i need to take deep breaths.

getting lazy to blog.. its always easier to just snap pics and upload them.. hah. Nothing much happening in my boring life.. its back to work as usual. And it just dawned on me last night.. that our wedding is just 6 months away!!! *gulps*

ju: to arrange 1st fitting with D'sire
zack: to discuss deets on poolside ceremony with hotel

and we are this close to buying something for our home! did our sums and yes, we can afford it! question is.. should we?? got 2 days to think it over.. *ponders*

more shots to enjoy~

give me a pose pretty gal.

ahhhh... nice angle

"ok enuff.. now get that thing out of my face!"

now.. whoever gives her hubby a teapot set for Christmas??

well.. i did.

and lastly... my Christmas Present!!!




(i almost tore the Christmas tree apart trying to get to the present.. zack hid it inside.. *smile*)

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