Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, January 15, 2007

"boys just wanna have fun"

the return of CROWN OF THORNS! *whistles*
these are the original members of COT (save for Chris who cant make it)
some intro:
Chris - Bassist
Fugene - Guitarist
Mark - Drummer boy
Zack - Guitarist / Vocalist

had a jamming session at Music Ensemble
the rooms rawk!!!!
i'd soooo love to fashion one of our rooms like this!
(perhaps our master room????)
its sizzzzzzling HOT!
and being me.. i went trigger happy crazy

Zack, my crooning prince

Marky boy.. power packed!

Fu.. boy is he good!

and herein lies....

the very vain, very narcisstic Groupie
(minus the tonsil-vibrating-screams and bra-throwing)
i dun mind making out with the vocalist though
he looks good enough to eat *yum*

Daisy Rocks guitars

for gals obviously - very young gals

cute ya? but bimbotic.. ahahaha
makes me wanna learn bass
not that i wanna be caught dead with a flower/butterfly/heart-shaped guitar
but sadly, i'm so not musically inclined

damn.. i just love watching the guys jam!
makes me wanna grooove..
and Mark's trying to rope me into Starcraft.. uh oh *eyes darting left and right*
*LOL* ok.. maybe i might
but not Starcraft pls.. with its disgusting cockroach hatching eggs thingy
zack's been wanting to teach me Warcraft for ages
speaking of which, he also said he'd take me off-shore fishing.....

thereafter was makan at TAOKEE!
just 4 of us and we had a feast
and i ate frog's legs.. arghhhhh...!
i'm NOT supposed to.. the frogs looked damn sad lor :(
but the huge plate of kongbao frog legs was just sitting there..
wat to do..... hai

whiled the night away at Mark's
was a huge shisha session last night
Himmah and Farina joined us
plus 2 of Mark's friends
and we watched Episode 9 of HEROES!!!
Mark downloaded 9 - 11
yeah, thats our latest craze - i'm so hooked on it
but we only got til Episode 8 on DVD

guess wat???
Fu said Lasalle / NAFA conducts pottery lessons! *screams*
oh my gosh..
i really really really reeeeally wanna take up pottery
only bummer is that fees racks up to the hundreds.. sheesh
nevertheless, i'd go check it out!

party didnt break til 2am
and our lights didnt go out til 4am
so.. i'm running on 3 hours of sleep today
plus a false wave of adrenaline - caffeine

i'm gonna crash soon.

my hubby really loves me.. so very much
sometimes everything seems too good to be true
but last night.. again.. i came to the full realization
that yes, i am loved.. wonderfully.. and completely

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