Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, January 28, 2007

oh the photos and the photos!

just done with 2 days of photoshoot
it had been absolute fun and many love beans in the air!
photoshoots sure bring intimacy to a whole new level
we should do it every 5 years!

the photographer - Andy was really nice
he printed some nice shots of Day1 and gave them to us *smile*
(which zack is showing off to his colleagues now)
and agreed to give us the softcopy of all the shots by next week
the shots he took... were awesome!
the kind of journalistic shots i absolutely love

the shots shown below were taken by us
they were taken at ART MUSEUM
Andy brought those big studio lights along
we seemed like some movie stars.. haha

and Art Museum is perfect for bridal shoots - for the bride
cos you'd get tons of passer-bys telling you, "you look beautiful" hahaha.. but i love it more when my hubby says it *beams*

while we waited.... for Andy to find the next location

a kiss to my hubby.. for being so wonderful!

we tried to act cool..


one of their dressing room - LYDIA
fashioned in a classic english style

the other fitting room - PEONY
in an exotic oriental setup


i wanna give my hubby a HUGE MUAKS for being such an extremely good sport about this photoshoot. Despite having to work at night and with only a few hours of sleep, he was wonderfully patient and oh so sweet and loving. I must say he's very good at those lovey dovey shots (even Andy said so.. haha), he can be the director sia. He'd gaze deeply into my eyes and say, "look into my eyes... ok, now kiss me." ahahaha. All in all, it has been a lovely experience.. though it rained today.. but my, even that was fun! holding the pose for the kissing shot just when the first droplets begin to fall.

cant wait to see the rest of the shots!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

"tell me! who boxed my baby in her eyes?!"

ahhhhhhhh......! do i look that bad???? *WAILS*

yes i did.

so i slept and i slept.. now i'm rejuvenated.. almost.
on leave today, boy am i glad.
if not, i'd look totally hideous for our photoshoot tomorrow
went for our fitting last evening
the gown i'm gonna wear is real pretty!
and the evening gown... olalalala!
backbacked.. and oh so glam.
hope it'll turn up well
and praying for good weather

zack got a pair of dress shoes
while i was on the lookout for a pair of heels
but i ended up buying this...

pretty ballet slippers
would be nice if they have it in white

and this..

almost identical with the pair i bought from D'sire
just that this is flats.
so pretty! *grin*

gtg now..
makan at Jalan Kayu! then to Mark's.
zack's new hookah is so pretty!
i love pretty things.
watch this space.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

i'm dissolving..

- i'm gonna crash
- i can barely keep my eyes open
- i have a pounding head
- my heart is beating at 150km/h
- i wanna sit in a corner and blank my mind out
- fitting is in an hours time
- i'm dead tired
- i gotta stop whining
- pay just came in
- feel like i've worked my bones out for it
- its ok cos i like that inflation in my bank
- i'm so frigging tired!
- no, i'm not done whining
- we're gonna be late for our fitting
- and i look like crap *sobs*

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

if stress burns fats
i'd be reed thin

Saturday, January 20, 2007

can i cry now?

i was cleaning the kitchen counter when i dropped one of the bodum cups and it broke...... *WAILS*
i'm..... so devastated.

this set costs me 98bucks
its a Christmas present from me to zack
i'm going off to bed to nurse my aching heart


Friday, January 19, 2007

when i wish upon for a star..

just done with a shisha session at yours truly's humble home
Himmah, Farina and Mark popped over
and between 5 of us, we got 3 hookahs!
and when Fu buys his, we'd have 4
the plague is spreading!
tried black cherry, nectarine, guava..
but my favourite is still mint
fumari mint rawks!
didnt smoke much tonight though

just when i was lamenting how out of reach my heart's desire was (read last blog entry).. something better pops up!
God works in miraculous ways. He is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G
this was one of the watches i had my eye on
but its an Omega for goodness sake
i reckon it'll probably cost way over 2grand
so i put it outta my mind before my heart start lusting


Farina told me she bought hers for only close to 1.5k!
an Omega for that price is a steal!
dun be fooled by the prices at places like Sincere, Hourglass etc.. they did a huge markup so the prices of luxury watches are inflated
anyone who is stoopid enough to buy their watches from those boutiques deserves to be fleeced.


this definitely seems more attainable
between a Tag and an Omega?
Omega wins hands down
in terms of quality, prestige and what not


i still got my head on my shoulders
i'm just excited that this is something i can seriously think about
and not just wishing for the near impossible
so yeah.. i might not even get it in the first instance

but darling.. we really cant go against God's will can we??

ps: i'm really enjoying our shisha sessions.. the company was great *grin*

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

i've missed that sweet face

so i've FINALLY sent my Tag Heuer for repair
he's been sitting in his velvety case for.... *gasps* 2 years!!!
yeah yeah.. branded goods are so wasted on me
ppl usually will super-glue it on their wrist and show it off
while me, in the drawer for 2 years! *tsk tsk*
i'm feeling a tad guilty for this serious case of neglect

let's see, i've had him since... 18 yrs old!
that's almost 8 yrs ago
it was a gift for my 18th bday
yeah, they start me young
but its a gift, not something i bought with my hard-earned money
so nothing to be proud of or boast about
though i really really really appreciate it
and it had hardly left my side since

now its back.. on my wrist
that familiar weight - boy, its quite heavy i must say
that sweet face
didnt expect that pang of nostalgia when i put it back just now
like i've my long lost friend by my side once again
dammit.. i'm feeling more guilty now

know what i got my eye on now?
its so beautiful i can cry..
cant find this model in Spore now
cos it has been discontinued
so IF i ever do get it
online is the only option

somehow i got this foreboding i'd never own this
cos by the time i got the dough to get it
the last piece on earth will probably be snapped up

will you be mine??

and dammit, this is NOT A HINT to zack to get it for me ok. I'd never allow him to get me such an expensive gift.. not now at least.. heh. Not that he will in the first place.. ahahahaa. For crying out loud, it's close to 2Grand! This will be my goal.. and i will work towards it.. I need goals in my life! it makes life more exciting ya?

Monday, January 15, 2007

"boys just wanna have fun"

the return of CROWN OF THORNS! *whistles*
these are the original members of COT (save for Chris who cant make it)
some intro:
Chris - Bassist
Fugene - Guitarist
Mark - Drummer boy
Zack - Guitarist / Vocalist

had a jamming session at Music Ensemble
the rooms rawk!!!!
i'd soooo love to fashion one of our rooms like this!
(perhaps our master room????)
its sizzzzzzling HOT!
and being me.. i went trigger happy crazy

Zack, my crooning prince

Marky boy.. power packed!

Fu.. boy is he good!

and herein lies....

the very vain, very narcisstic Groupie
(minus the tonsil-vibrating-screams and bra-throwing)
i dun mind making out with the vocalist though
he looks good enough to eat *yum*

Daisy Rocks guitars

for gals obviously - very young gals

cute ya? but bimbotic.. ahahaha
makes me wanna learn bass
not that i wanna be caught dead with a flower/butterfly/heart-shaped guitar
but sadly, i'm so not musically inclined

damn.. i just love watching the guys jam!
makes me wanna grooove..
and Mark's trying to rope me into Starcraft.. uh oh *eyes darting left and right*
*LOL* ok.. maybe i might
but not Starcraft pls.. with its disgusting cockroach hatching eggs thingy
zack's been wanting to teach me Warcraft for ages
speaking of which, he also said he'd take me off-shore fishing.....

thereafter was makan at TAOKEE!
just 4 of us and we had a feast
and i ate frog's legs.. arghhhhh...!
i'm NOT supposed to.. the frogs looked damn sad lor :(
but the huge plate of kongbao frog legs was just sitting there..
wat to do..... hai

whiled the night away at Mark's
was a huge shisha session last night
Himmah and Farina joined us
plus 2 of Mark's friends
and we watched Episode 9 of HEROES!!!
Mark downloaded 9 - 11
yeah, thats our latest craze - i'm so hooked on it
but we only got til Episode 8 on DVD

guess wat???
Fu said Lasalle / NAFA conducts pottery lessons! *screams*
oh my gosh..
i really really really reeeeally wanna take up pottery
only bummer is that fees racks up to the hundreds.. sheesh
nevertheless, i'd go check it out!

party didnt break til 2am
and our lights didnt go out til 4am
so.. i'm running on 3 hours of sleep today
plus a false wave of adrenaline - caffeine

i'm gonna crash soon.

my hubby really loves me.. so very much
sometimes everything seems too good to be true
but last night.. again.. i came to the full realization
that yes, i am loved.. wonderfully.. and completely

Saturday, January 13, 2007

it has arrived! *gawk*

before the morrow comes.. i muse

nearing half pass 4 in the morning
where sleep cant find me
well, i woke up from my nap 2 hours ago.. hah

when i tot things couldnt get any worse
it did.
its been one of the toughest week at work
and its still not over
gotta clock in another hour or so tomorrow

feeling somewhat unsettled, unfulfilled
feel like a void somewhere
which wasnt there before
i need to take up something
pursue an interest
dance classes?
join a gym? i miss gymming..
work on my photography?
i need quality of life.

pensive thoughts.
the night did it again.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

i love yesterday's word of the day

uxorious \uk-SOR-ee-us; ug-ZOR-\, adjective:
Excessively fond of or submissive to a wife.

let's try making a sentence with it..
"After marrying the beautiful, vivacious, illustrious Ju, Isaac could not believe his good fortune and set out to be an uxorious and domesticated husband by bringing her out for weekly shopping sprees and scrubbing the house down every weekend."


day dreaming is good.. *LOL*

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

in 45mins.. i'd regurgitate.

i so need a break.
taking a 10.
if not, i'd seriously break down
to make matters worse,
my outlet is gone
hope it's just server connection
and not IT being anal

work has been incredibly hectic
since the new year started
and its not gonna lighten til...
jeez.. til perhaps march?

but cant complain
they pay you
you work
if i want a nice home, holidays etc and all the pretty frills of life
i jolly well work hard for it
no free lunch in this world
thats the way it is
welcome to life gal..

i do have ways to unwind
like.. catching a movie with my hubby after work!
my sweet hubby is picking me up from work
so come 5.30pm (if i'm lucky, which i hardly am)
i'd regurgitate all the work i've been gobbling all day

Monday, January 08, 2007

when bathing becomes a treat

Sunday, January 07, 2007


in EXACTLY 6 months.....

oh yeah!

D'sire agreed to give us 10 additional photos!! so now we've got 38 photos. A part of me hope the photos wouldnt turn out too well cos then we'd have a huge headache choosing them.. from 2 photoshoots! (1 photoshoot has an approximate 400 shots?) But it'll be a good experience for us cos come our actual photoshoot with Ave8, we'd know how to handle the camera. Hopefully. And... the dates fall on a weekend, which means i dun have to take any leave *ready steady bom pee pee*

But zack will be working night shift on those dates.. so he'll be really tired on the second day.. Know he's not too entirely psyched about this.. cmon, which guy enjoys photoshoots.. hah.. but he's doing it for me.. *touched* i got the best laogong in the whole wide world!!
Damn, this also means i only got 3 weeks to shed that 2 horrid kg! and tone up those biceps! i'll start tomorrow..

so how was your weekend?
mine was nice and restful *smile*
life is finally settling down after the festive season
Fri: caught Night At The Museum
u just gotta catch it.. its totally hilarious!
got me laughing long after we left the cinema
"you dumb dumb
i want gum gum"

Sat: sleep, sleep and more blissful sleep
we went shopping.. and its not window *winks*
cant put anything in our pockets now
there's a HUGE HOLE!
head off to Himmah's to collect some coals he got for Mark
had a great time chatting with Farina
while Zack and Himmah were in the room surfing hookah sites *roll eyes*
then off to Mark's
i cant smoke shisha now.. hai
my lungs are just not conditioned for such stuff

*side track: Mark said he'd postpone his semester if need be just so he could attend our wedding in July.. cos its only once in a lifetime we'd get married.. we are both so so touched.. seriously. Other friends who so generously offered their help are..
Tim: who said just call him if we need him.. in any way.
Yiming: offered to be our videographer if he can make it back in time for our wedding.. he's in aussie.
Jason: offered his car as our bridal car
We may/may not take them up on their offer but the fact that they came out and offer their service, is more than enough :) Though none of them reads this blog, i still wanna say this: "Thanks guys, these little offers of help means so much to us. Its something we'd hold dear to our heart always and remember, our friends in need.. are friends indeed.." *Hugs*

Sun: Mrs Housewife
~ grocery shopping - supermarts have started playing those cheesy CNY songs *groans*
~ laundry
~ clean / tidy house
~ cook dinner
~ prepare to feel the monday blues

Friday, January 05, 2007

*fingers crossed*

guess wat??

D'sire offered us an additional Photoshoot! but with another photographer. We will still be doing one with Ave8. This photoshoot will be on them, makeup, gowns.. etc. Not touching our package. Guess they want to fatten their portfolio cos Yvonne's been pushing us to do our photoshoot early.. but we're like dragging it.. haha.


we are contemplating... cos i need to take leave (its 2 days!) and my leave this year is so precious and we only get 2 free table tops for 2 hard days of work. Plus with more pics available, we'd probably end up choosing more pics for our album - $$$


gonna discuss with Yvonne if she can throw in more photos.. if not, we'd just pass.. *sigh* Gotta let her know our decision soon cos she'll approach another couple if we're not interested (wow.. priority goes to us!) Jeez.. i really dislike haggling.. just not my style. i'm not the kind who spends 30mins squeezing the other party dry, just to get the cheapest deal. Perhaps thats an indication i'd never get rich cos i dun squeeze pennies.. hahaha.. but hey, i got style *smirk*.. yeah yeah watever..

wish me luck!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

good hair day..

so it must be true! wat legend says....

so 4 days of break is over and its back to the crazy madness at work.. nonstop action, nonstop hits.. only at 78 Shenton Way. i need to take deep breaths.

getting lazy to blog.. its always easier to just snap pics and upload them.. hah. Nothing much happening in my boring life.. its back to work as usual. And it just dawned on me last night.. that our wedding is just 6 months away!!! *gulps*

ju: to arrange 1st fitting with D'sire
zack: to discuss deets on poolside ceremony with hotel

and we are this close to buying something for our home! did our sums and yes, we can afford it! question is.. should we?? got 2 days to think it over.. *ponders*

more shots to enjoy~

give me a pose pretty gal.

ahhhh... nice angle

"ok enuff.. now get that thing out of my face!"

now.. whoever gives her hubby a teapot set for Christmas??

well.. i did.

and lastly... my Christmas Present!!!




(i almost tore the Christmas tree apart trying to get to the present.. zack hid it inside.. *smile*)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

so we had a New Years' Eve feast at home!
No jostling with the crowd outside.. finding parking lots.. finding seats at eateries/restaurants/fast food joints etc.. getting hot and sweaty..

i donned my apron and got to work..

pan-fried lamb steak with black-pepper mushroom sauce
steamed broccoli
mashed potatoes - from scratch mind u!
cream of mushroom soup

pretty simple fare.. my first attempt at lamb and it turned out well! not too tough and not too raw.. meat was tender enough. I must say the meal turned out good.. well, zack polished his plate.. haha.

i'm not really big on clubbing on New Year's eve really. There's the huge crowd first and foremost.. exorbitant fees - cover, drinks etc.. and again, with the crowd, everyone will be packed like sardines, how to dance? going to the loo is bad enuff.. imagine: bursting bladder + snaking queue. Hahahaha.. i didnt paint too nice a pic did i.. but yeah, i'd rather chill out at someone's pad, where we just sit down, drink and talk cock. Having said that.. staying home with my hubby is just what i want this year.. with the 2 imps lying beside us, sleeping and licking their paws :)

2007 already? jeez.. do i feel old.
think i'd go nap abit
i so need my beauty sleep
zack will be home early today
why? cos the gang's coming over for a shisha session!
with ppl coming and going..
our home is resembling a runaway house.. hahaha
"come.. all is welcome!"