Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

"will you miss me?"

"but of crse!"

said my goodbyes.. made promises to keep in touch.. exchanged phone teary farewell.. just plenty of grins..
hints that they wanna leave the blasted place too *raise brows*
while i promised to keep them in mind if i got lobang *wag brows*
in the midst of goodbyes.. packed my remaining stuff
shred tons of paper.. liberating!
my table had never looked tidier.. haha
brought bulk of my stuff home when zack came to pick me on Mon
and my plant too!
(yes i've got a plant in my office and im so gonna take good care of it! though it was someone who had been taking care of it for me in the office.. heh)
wasnt til 7pm when i finally sat down and get my clearance form filled up

met Sy and made our way to town to meet YY, Jo and Jane.. walked somemore (in my 3" heels!) cos our dear Ms Pan wants to buy a "big white tote bag" so of crse its far east we went! i ended up buying a top from Artemis and a pair of earrings *tsk tsk*

chilled out at the airport.. got some comfy couches at BK.. gosh, Jo lost quite abit of weight.. she looks good! Jane might be going into the insurance industry.. cool! and last night was prob the first time im face to face with the wonders of caffeine! it was about 2am and everyone's senses were a little dulled.. conversation slowed.. then someone began yakking away like a chipmunck.. and that someone was seated next to me (see pic below).. was rudely jarred awake from my sleepy stupor.. imagine my angst.. then we realised it was the coffee she drank!

a not so flattering pic of YY and me.. we were very tired mah..
i'm sure you can pick out that caffeine-induced chipmunck
see that crazed gleam in her eye
pwetty sleepy jane..
someone demanded that i post this pic
to showcase that 'pretty' watch
Jo definitely looks prettier than the UGLY watch.. bleh!

check out my eyebags! arrrghhhhh......

wasnt til almost 4am when i got home.. was bone tired but had an absolute great time bitching with my darling gals! and guess what's waiting for me on the dining table???

MY BDAY PRESENTS!!!!!!!!!!!! *huge grin*

"come back soon ok? Muaks! your presents are on e dining table.. But no touchy touchy! :)"

zack was already asleep when i got home but he got up and said i can open one present.. the top one.. he wrapped them up so nicely.. awww my baby! *muakss* and guess wat? it was my VS order!!!!! it arrived!!!! ordered 2 bikinis for our mini honeymoon... and it arrived earlier than expected! they looked as lovely as the pics and fits well.. and one of the 'barely there' top, is really barely there.. heh.. i'm so motivated to whip my bod in shape now! 2 weeks to work those flabs!

now.. there's one left on the table... i'm keeping my word.. no touching! *grin* i just sit there and stare at it.. hoping i'd develop x-ray eyes if i look hard enough..

oh how i love this anticipation! *EXCITED*

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