Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, August 11, 2006

25 years later...

You know how when you were a kid, bdays were really big celebrations.. you do countdowns to your big day, anticipating all the presents you will receive.. what kinda bday cake you will get..

i guess when you hit 20.. bdays take on a less flamboyant form.. and when you hit 25, you start getting panic attacks and began fighting off the years.. haha

so i'm officially a mid-twenty.. feels good.. like a real woman yeah! hahaa.. who wants to be an 18 or 21 year old ya?! little gals who are still wet behind their ears.. 25 is purrfect.. (i say that every year, i just change the no.)

Had my perfect day.. plenty of smses, calls from my sweet dear friends.. thanks dearies! then going for a nice dinner with my most loved one.. and i got a really nice turquoise dress! its also a perfect excuse for me to buy some new clothes, primp myself up.. *winks*

here're some shots! NOTE: all pics were taken from my new toy!

Venue: BLACK ANGUS (Orchard Parade Hotel)

food looks good?

1) we chewed our steak til our jaws almost broke
2) the double dip chicken strip was good though
3) seriously over-priced!
4) our verdict: "this is the first and last time we're coming here"

should have gone to Outback Steakhouse instead..

but its all good! :)

we had such fun trying out this new function in my new toy.. BEST PIC!
the cam will take 4 shots the minute your finger touches the button, right before the camera key is pressed and 4 more shots thereafter.. and you get to pick the best shot. So you end up having a series of pics.. the best part, you get to save all 9 shots! its sooooo cool!!!! This cam is even better than my powershot.. i had never been able to get such nice night shots.

and we picked this!

of course no night is complete without a pic of us!

i had an awesome time.. cos you're right there beside me


Anonymous said...

Hmmm Saack put on weight? How come he looks rounder around the chin in these 2 pics? Muz be your phone... hee hee...! Well sounds like a good time you had! Enjoy your hols!


ju said...

his life has been too good... ahahahaha..! i must stress him up more