Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, August 06, 2006

just had a cool shower and a DIY hair treatment..
my hair is turning to straw so had to get those done regularly
3am in the morning.. i'm feeling a tad hungry
oh oh! guess what i cooked for dinner???
PON TEH!!!!!!!!!!!!
its a peranakan dish and my absolute favourite during my growing up years
mum used to cook it during occasions and of crse.. on my bdays..
so for a long while, i've been deprived of this dish..
lo and behold.. the organic cafe in my office building has this dish on their menu (every tuesday!) so i chatted up the boss and he very kindly gave me the recipe *grins*
tried it tonight and was a little disappointed at the beginning when the smell of the gravy didnt seemed right but when i added the chicken in.. hey presto! it turned out well.. though it was too salty.. (should have seen zack's face when he took a mouthful.. ahahaha!) ok, i'll adjust it the next time.. and i need a blender to blend all the ingredients.. then e'thing will be so perfect!
cant help grinning away as we had our dinner
its like i've found a long lost treasure *beams*
i cant explain it.. it brought back memories.. good ones
ok, enough about food

so my last day at work had been bumped up to the 8th, next tuesday (instead of the 23rd). All hell broke loose in the office on thursday when my CEO found out i was going over to Willis (Marsh's fiercest competitor).. finally i can say it out. So i had to go on gardening leave! (gardening leave = serving out your notice period AT HOME) This usually applies to senior management staff though of crse i'm no where near there. The naure of my job is sensitive and i'm privy to all confidential stuff so "they have to do the right thing" and get me to leave early.. good ya?! so i got 3 days to clear my stuff and do the handover then its sayonara~ imagine.. 2 extra weeks of holiday! and i still get paid up to the 23rd! there were 4 other resignations apart from me (3 of us are jumping ship) and they were grumbling about having to serve out their full notice period and poking at me.. ahahaaha.. i was cocky :P

mixed feelings the past few days at work.. a lil' sad to leave Marsh but when news broke of my upcoming employer, i was eyed with suspicion.. (situation between Marsh and Willis is really bad at the moment) it kinda brought things into perspective. I was at tanjong pagar last friday and saw Aruno, Geraldine and Ronak (the first Marsh ppl who went over to Willis, Aruno brought her entire team over).. Aruno gave me a hug and said they cant wait for me to start work.. awwww.. imagine being treated like a traitor on one side and the other side waiting with open arms for u.. Marsh is stupid on the way they treat their employees.. ppl are leaving right and left and they dun give a damn, i pointed it out to my HR boss and her reply was disappointing.. all they are doing now is poaching stuff from Willis.. just for revenge sake.. its getting personal.. the current management sucks big time (i shant name names ya).. oh yes, i can finally say it out. I'm glad i'm leaving and even more thankful i dun have to stay on til the end of my notice.. the tension in the office is so thick you can cut it with a pair of pruning shears..

i'm getting tired and disgusted.. playing the dirty corporate game is just not my cup of tea. All i want is a simple life.. a satisfying job with a good pay.. At the end of it all, what's more important to me is my family.. my lovely hubby.. a good solid marriage.. i dun hanker for condos or big houses.. luxury cars.. expensive blings blings.. an uptown status.. i've known ppl who thinks that owning luxury goods up their social status.. well, i firmly believe that money can never buy style.. i'm blessed to have a hubby who shares the same values in life and of life.. we want a comfortable life.. but we're not having our pants all tied up over getting it..

the movie zack and i watched friday night aptly re-enforces my point.. CLICK.. go catch it! its a remarkably good film.. thought it was just a comedy (its Adam Sandler) but i was pleasantly surprised to find it very meaningful, injected with humour

"He's always chasing the pot of gold, but when he gets there, at the end of the day, it's just corn flakes"

i'm off on my tangent again..

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