Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, February 02, 2006

when the clouds cleared.. i see RED

only started to finally piece the pieces together
when i somehow stumbled upon a missing piece

how do i feel now?
stupid and FUMING

what would i have said then?

i was a fool..

on the other hand, i'm no big fool
cos when a great guy came along
i grabbed him and i never looked back
not once.

now i'm finally free
free from the guilt
free from the mindset that i owe you something
cos mister.. this is probably something new to you
but you hurt me too
i was bleeding for 6 blardee months
i just dun go whining about it
so there.. i owe you nothing

Look What You've Done
- Jet

Take my photo off the wall
If it just won't sing for you
'Cause all that's left has gone away
And there's nothing there for you to prove

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems likes such fun
Until you lose what you had won

Give me back my point of view
'Cause I just can't think for you
I can hardly hear you say
What should I do, well you choose

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems likes such fun
Until you lose what you had won

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
A fool of everyone
A fool of everyone

Take my photo off the wall
If it just won't sing for you
'Cause all that's left has gone away
And there's nothing there for you to do

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems likes such fun
Until you lose what you had won

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
A fool of everyone
A fool of everyone

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