Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, February 04, 2006

after fuming for the past few days
simmered down a little..

ant offered to hang pig's head
(so sweet right.. yeah, like he would do it *guffaws*)

zack took out his guitar and composed a silly song: 'Silly Ju'
*hahahaha* my boy never fails to crack me up!

it's so over.. and being mad is so draining
but at least i knew what happened back then
yeah, it's human to be selfish
or maybe i expect too much from people
the same decency..
the same integrity..
the same code of conduct
after the anger.. comes the confusion
do i really know this person after all?
is this person really who he purported to be?
or maybe love really blinds..

finally released from the guilt trip
(i'm not throwing pots of flowers out of my window, ant!)
the rantings.. the indignation..
then laughing over my silliness
yeah, i made it seem funny at times
but believe me when i say..
its not a nice feeling when you realised you had been made a fool of

i dun wanna talk about it
its so over.. but at least, i know..

this could probably be the final closure

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