Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

day started off bad
restless sleep plus other stuff got me all moody
the day is still young
hope it gets better

i dun like myself very much at this moment
i'm becoming someone i told myself never to be
i'm letting myself get too immersed
i'm losing myself.. my independence

i need to pull away and regroup

Monday, February 27, 2006

"it's cold.. and comes in many colors"

my surprise!!!

we were watching TV one night
when this ad came on
i got excited
lamented how i've always wanted to catch this
(i'm a disney fan)

my darling remembered.. *tears*

i cant find a sweeter guy.. love u tons darling!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Shopping Spree!

had just about the most enjoyable shopping spree for our lovenest!
total damage amassed: $1,145

took leave to settle stuff for our home and i must say it was very productive.. settled our loan, wardrobe, kitchen tiles, master room lights, and our clock!

finally found our clock at Park Mall and it's a Karlsson piece-limited edition .. but didnt get it cos we wanted to check if Molecule has a better deal.. as it turned out, it's more expensive! to cut a long story short.. we managed to get a good discount which amounts to the same price as the one at Park Mall! so that's 1 happy couple walking out of Molecule with their Karlsson Clock *grins* cost us a bomb but it's worth every penny..

we walked on and passed Barang Barang.. and they were having a storewide 25% sale! walked in and there lay a beautiful glass table.. it was love at first sight for us both.. but the real beauty of it was.. the cost savings of $200+! We reserved it for 2 days.. just to think it thru.. to sleep on it.. and we've decided to get it.. tomorrow!

everything is turning out real well.. reno is starting prob next week, once HDB is done with the cement screeding of the rooms.. we've gotten most of our stuff settled.. our finances all sorted out.. our cashflows.. when to get what.. now it's down to minute details.. wanna guess our total reno cost? *hold you breath* reno (wet works+carpentry) + furnishing = an astounding figure of $35K! *you can scream now*

i must say it aint easy.. more so when we are depending entirely on our own.. no monetary help from anyone.. scrimping and saving.. (from O'Brien sandwich to macs $2 dbl cheeseburger.. for real) but it feels good, knowing that we built it on our own.. our lovenest. It's our home, our money, and we call the shots.. no one can tell us what to do, what not to do.. no favours owed.. just built by our own 2 hands.. went home today.. and as we stood there, arm in arm.. it really feels like.. OUR HOME

people has been asking me.. "any quarrels yet?" and i'm proud to say.."nope!" hehe... just plenty of frustration, mostly on my part.. zack's real particular (i call it fussy.. haha) he knows exactly what he likes or not like.. while i like to keep my options open and play them around (he calls it indecisive).. he likes to settle things fast (meaning putting down deposits everywhere) while i like to mule it over for awhile (meaning going back to the shop for the 3rd time).. he says "you worry too much".. and i say.."i gotta worry for 2 person cos you dun seem to worry enough"

looking back, it had been fun.. learning the art of compromising.. and somehow you realise how much that person means to you when you allow him to buy something you truly truly do not like simply bcos you love him too much to say 'No'

Thursday, February 23, 2006

MY HINT: what's cold and comes in many colors??

and i will only get my surprise in a "few days" time.. ahhhhhh!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

i've got a surprise!!!

words women use... beware

'FINE' : this is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up

'FIVE MINUTES' : is really half an hour when she is dressing up. 5 mins is only 5 mins if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

'NOTHING' : the calm before the storm. This means "something" and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'Nothing' usually end with 'Fine'.

'GO AHEAD' : this is a dare, not a permission. Dont do it.

'LOUD SIGH' : not a word but a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A 'Loud Sigh' means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing there arguing with you over 'Nothing'.

'THAT'S OK' : this is one of the most dangerous statement a woman can make to a man. 'That's ok' means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

'THANKS' : a woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say 'you're welcome'.

'WHATEVER' : thats a woman's way of saying !#@ YOU!

Monday, February 20, 2006

all it takes is 10 secs

take an old toothbrush, add some toothpaste and gently brush the little stone.. pay attention to the bottom of the diamond (that's where dust/lotion etc usually gather, thus obstructing light from shining through).. then rinse off.

TADA! brand new as a baby!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

finished my book... sigh
was a really really good book
love all of JD RObb's In death series
futuristic detective thriller
and to console myself
i made myself a nice glass of vanilla ice-cream+baileys

going for crabs later!!!
been eating like nobody's business
just the other night.. after wiping off
:: a plate of fu jian mian
:: 2 mini croissants
:: few slices of bak kwa
zack looked at me & said.."you really can eat ah..."
and to think my colleagues are all bugging me about not eating *puzzled*
within 1 week, i got 4 colleagues saying i'm getting slimmer
and whenever i meet Ben for lunch..
he is always going on about how much weight i've lost..
i'm getting skinny.. calls me an anorexic! *grumbles*
but he redeemed himself by saying i look good *bleh*
it's like somehow my metabolic rate has accelerated
let's see how long i can go on bingeing.. before it shows!

then i realised.. i only eat when i'm with people
when someone dragged me out for lunch or dinner
when i'm on my own, i'll be too lazy to eat anything proper
just pop whatever to stop my stomach from growling
and when i'm caught up with something
i can live on air alone

Thursday, February 16, 2006

to buy.. or not to buy?

so now i'm home, with pappe sitting on my lap, licking her paws.. love her to bits!

been more than a month since Ant and i last met up.. so despite the fact i only had 4 hours of sleep the night before, i met up with him for dinner. Bought a top and the latest JD Robb paperback at Far East *grins*.. then we did some microwave oven-scouting (when it comes to cooking, who gives better advice than my dear ant).. narrowed down to 2 microwave ovens, 1 cost $400+ and the other $700+.. i like the latter but zack said it's too ex.. but darling, just think of the wonderful macadamia chocolate chip cookies i can bake for you with that oven..

and guess who we saw at the train station? BEN! what are the odds! he had a dinner engagement so cant join us.. i was so happy to see him that i forgot to scold him for hitting my head! *glare* which reminds me to set a date with him.. about a month since we last met up.. but plenty of opportunities.. why? cos he is back for good! and he is working near me! and maybe, just maybe.. he might move to punggol! *grins* that would be awesome.. finally someone close is living close to me (pardon the pun)

tired.. so i'm gonna do a little reading then head off to bed

goodnight folks
sweet dreams
dun let the bed bugs bite

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

i'm so tired...

every little thing seems to get to me
i wanna sleep for a thousand years
i dunno what's happening

i need a break.. from life
in open fields of wild flowers
she breathes the air flies away
she thanks her Jesus for the daisies and the roses
in no simple language
someday she'll understand the meaning of it all

He's more than the laughter
or the stars in the heavens
as close as a heartbeat
or a song on her lips
someday she'll trust Him
and learn how to see Him
someday He'll call her
and she will come running
fall in His arms, the tears will fall down
and she'll pray

i want to fall in love with you

sitting silent wearing sunday best
the sermon echoes through the walls
a great salvation through it
goes to the people who stare into nowhere
can't feel the chains on their souls

He's more than the laughter
or the stars in the heavens
as close as a heartbeat
or a song on her lips
someday we'll trust him
and learn how to see him
someday he'll call us
and we will come running
fall in his arms
the tears will fall down and we'll pray

i want to fall in love with you

seems too easy to call you 'Savior'
not close enough to call you 'God'
so as i sit and think of
words i can mention to show my devotion

i want to fall in love with you

Love Song For A Saviour
- jars of clay

Monday, February 13, 2006

i combat my monday blues.. by reliving my yesterdays

woke up with aches this morning
and when i stepped into the hallway
felt a sense of pride

the floor is squeaky clean!

been a long time since i had 2 days to myself
and i mean entirely to myself
doing whatever pleases me
no commitments
no engagements

i slept.. and i slept and i slept some more
for a total of 15 hours
only woke up to feed pappe & hydrate my throat
thought of what a long day my sweetheart was having at work
i decided to cook him a nice dinner
chicken curry katsu don

spent the entire afternoon in bed reading *the life man..*
had to force myself to close the book at 4.30pm to do some chores

in a space of 4.5 hours, i did these:
- the laundry
- bathe pappe
- sweep the floor twice
- mop the floor twice
- scrub down the toilet
- rushed to supermart to buy ingredients for din
- boiled a nice pot of vegetable soup
- cook zack's favourite sambal ladysfinger dish
- changed the sheets (i ironed them too!)
- took a nice cool peppermint shower
- fold the clothes while waiting for zack to come home from work

when zack came home, i proudly told him what i did.. guess what he said.. "wow, my baby makes such a good housewife!" hey, thats not what you're supposed to say! *humph*

what he should have said.."wow, my baby work so hard.. come, i'll take you for a shopping spree tomorrow to reward you" *ahahahaha* when that happens, i'll check the sky for a blue moon

so that's my weekend.. how's yours?

Sunday, February 12, 2006


the very last piece in Singapore..

and it's mine!

no more v day present ok dear.. this is it.. i mean it.. muaks.. love ya!

Friday, February 10, 2006

my waves are coming back
i like them better than my straight-permed hair
loose and messy
its time to think about a new look for my hair
i'll probably keep it long and add more waves
color it black with sheets of red

oh, did i mention our house reno is starting in 2 weeks!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

in 5 months...

i will be.. *gulps* married!

zack asked if i will be taking on his name
hmmm... how does Juliana Chan sounds to you? *chuckles*
sounds weird ya
in actual fact, i'm not averse to the idea of shedding my last name
for obvious reasons

caught Match Point last night.. the first movie ever i had the urge to leave in the middle of it. The ending was unexpected but some parts were horridly lame.. plus the woman sitting next to me was exceedingly irritating! she laughed at every other scene.. peppered remarks like 'oh my god' (blasphemous.. tsk tsk) throughout the show.. sheesh.. it was like watching 2 movies at the same time! and it's 2 hours long

on the other hand, this movie was pretty thought-provoking (for zack especially).. every guy should catch this movie.. scares them from infidelity.. haha! love your wife guys.. love your wife.. and pleaseeee choose a good one.. MARRIAGE IS FOR LIFE!


Monday, February 06, 2006

had a pathetic 'seafood' (a few bits of prawns) fried rice for lunch
once the clock hit 4, i'm on the prowl for food.. junk food
munching on kit kats and mars bars
better stop cos i'm saving my stomach for...


then massage after.. ahhhhh...

someone commented i lost weight.. i did??
ok, i can have another kit kat

morale in the office is at an all-time low
yet another resignation today
i saw that coming
another 2 in the coming weeks i heard
region head and HR MD trying to do some damage control
feels something BIG is coming up
for me.. i'll just sit back and watch the race
while i bid my time..

Saturday, February 04, 2006

after fuming for the past few days
simmered down a little..

ant offered to hang pig's head
(so sweet right.. yeah, like he would do it *guffaws*)

zack took out his guitar and composed a silly song: 'Silly Ju'
*hahahaha* my boy never fails to crack me up!

it's so over.. and being mad is so draining
but at least i knew what happened back then
yeah, it's human to be selfish
or maybe i expect too much from people
the same decency..
the same integrity..
the same code of conduct
after the anger.. comes the confusion
do i really know this person after all?
is this person really who he purported to be?
or maybe love really blinds..

finally released from the guilt trip
(i'm not throwing pots of flowers out of my window, ant!)
the rantings.. the indignation..
then laughing over my silliness
yeah, i made it seem funny at times
but believe me when i say..
its not a nice feeling when you realised you had been made a fool of

i dun wanna talk about it
its so over.. but at least, i know..

this could probably be the final closure

Thursday, February 02, 2006

when the clouds cleared.. i see RED

only started to finally piece the pieces together
when i somehow stumbled upon a missing piece

how do i feel now?
stupid and FUMING

what would i have said then?

i was a fool..

on the other hand, i'm no big fool
cos when a great guy came along
i grabbed him and i never looked back
not once.

now i'm finally free
free from the guilt
free from the mindset that i owe you something
cos mister.. this is probably something new to you
but you hurt me too
i was bleeding for 6 blardee months
i just dun go whining about it
so there.. i owe you nothing

Look What You've Done
- Jet

Take my photo off the wall
If it just won't sing for you
'Cause all that's left has gone away
And there's nothing there for you to prove

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems likes such fun
Until you lose what you had won

Give me back my point of view
'Cause I just can't think for you
I can hardly hear you say
What should I do, well you choose

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems likes such fun
Until you lose what you had won

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
A fool of everyone
A fool of everyone

Take my photo off the wall
If it just won't sing for you
'Cause all that's left has gone away
And there's nothing there for you to do

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems likes such fun
Until you lose what you had won

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
A fool of everyone
A fool of everyone

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

for more, click here

Super Star Virgo

25 - 27 Jan 2006
Our first cruise.. it was awesome! didnt get much of a rest though

here's what we did on the love boat:
- we eat and we eat and we eat somemore
- Oasis Club (casino) : ju yawns, zack's eyes grow bigger
- played Bingo!
- window shopping at DFS: i didnt get my Swarovski Wavy Heart necklace *heartaches*

26 Jan - Port Klang, KL Trip
2 pathethic hours of shopping..
all we bought: 2 Home Deco magazines
dinner: Kenny Rogers (poor zack didnt get to have his Nandos)

8.30pm: Board the ship

then we are off to:
- soaking in hot jacuzzi.. ahhhhh......
- bumming in our cabin
- FEVER! Las Vegas TOPLESS Cabaret : yes, topless women dancing.. their boobs aint that big! *cheated* have no idea why i paid $20 to see boobs when i've got a nice pair myself *chuckles*
- Oasis Club: walked ard the tobacco-infused room for 45mins while zack decides what he wants to play (nothing in the end)

The best moments of the cruise
we went out to the deck.. lazed on the deck chairs and chat into the night.. with the sea breeze blowing (i dozed off eventually).. it was simply lovely *smile* was 3am when we finally dragged our asses back to our cabin and snooze the night away..

anything that is good.. ends too quickly