Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

typed a long post about work
but deleted it off
it's far too depressing
not gonna whine

on a slightly cheerful note:
watched King Kong last night.. excellent movie.. Peter Jackson did it again.. but i wouldnt give it 5 stars cos it made me cry (my eyes are puffy i gotta wear specs to work today!) yes, thats how much i cried and zack's sleeve was damp after the movie! as i said before, i steer clear from movies that messes up my heartstrings.. i was so emotional after the movie i didnt wanna talk.. was really messed up inside.

i hate the part where the policeman called King Kong a 'dumb beast' for getting himself cornered.. oh for goodness sake! he didnt ask to be carted away from his island.. to be brought to a foreign place and be ridiculed.. ogled at.. laughed at.. and for what? the greed of man! and when man realise they didnt get that great a deal afterall, they kill.. they destroy.. it's sick.. it's just so sick.. we are in no way superior to the beasts God created.. no way! do we have the strength of an elephant? do we have the speed of a cheetah? all we have are brains and we use them in twisted ways! awright.. i can probably go off on a tangent so i'll stop here.

going home now
pounding head
imagine covering for 2 colleagues
on top of my never ending work *sheesh*
who covers for me when i'm not around?
no blardee one!

and it's raining now!

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