Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, December 11, 2005

did something i had been meaning to do for awhile.. hate to do this but sometimes, i have to be cruel to be kind.. i really cant bear to hurt anyone.. *sigh*

spent a good part of yesterday morning and the entire afternoon chatting with SY and Jo on msn... we had such a blast! gosh, my butt was aching from sitting on the wooden chair for 8 hours.. we finally went off when SY and i wanted to nap and Jo went to spend time with her Ming.. ahhhhhh.. cant wait to meet my gals!

then spent the remaining day:
- mopping/sweeping the floor

(and guys, here's a piece of advice for you: (only do this when you have a death wish)
Ask your gf: "so are you cooking dinner for me?" when she is hot, sweaty and tired from doing a houseful of chores.. you are only asking for it!)

- do the laundry
- clean half the toilet
- took a nice hot shower so i smell all nice

and wait for zack to come home.. nobody wants to be greeted by a hot and sweaty fiancee right? :D

going for an auction later in the afternoon then meet zack at Expo (he's working day shift today *bummer*) .. there's a Home Reno Exhibition going on.. gosh i really dislike those pesky Bridal Studios hasslers!

and i need to re-size my ring.. its a tad too big.. no fault of zack.. he got my ring size from the ring i wear on my right hand not knowing that my left hand is a little smaller.. i cant bear to part with my ring for 2 days *sobs*

i still cant believe i'm engaged *pinch pinch*.. getting used to referring zack as MY FIANCE.. i've got a Fiance.. and i am a Fiancee! *grin*

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