Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, December 30, 2005

B: are we doing lunch or dinner?

J: dinner?

B: why not lunch?

then why ask me in the first place! ben ah ben....
some things.. are no longer special

oh well

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

it's the eve of the eve..

it's the wonderful time of the year...

when friends hang out.. to bitch.. to catch up.. to whine.. then again, we do that pretty often! made a din at Coffee Bean - Changi Airport but who cares.. we certainly didnt! :D

Date: 23 Dec 2005
Venue: Changi Airport Coffee Bean

my favourite Chai Latte. That's about the only thing i drink at Coffee Bean.. There's really nothing i like better than sipping a hot latte.. chilling at a joint.. with my loves... (still remember a night of chilling air + hot latte + yakking into the night at Genting *winks*)
nothing to snap except some coffee beans, a bunch of tables and chairs.. no hunks in sight *bummer*... so we went potrait snapping! that's the only nice things to snap (and that's US! :D)
so.. beauties ahead... ENJOY!

The Whiney aka Jane.. our profession JH *heh* cant diverge too many secrets here.. or i'd so get it.. Probably had taken a dozen shots of her cos she said no one can take a nice shot of her (it's a challenge i cant resist).. i tot this was pretty cute :)

our Teacher aka YY. The most accomplished one of us so far... at the tender age of 24, she has her own car!!! ahhhhh... i hate this woman! me? i dun even own my own bicyle.. haha!

gosh.. they look alike! TWIN TERRORS!!!

pouting.. sprouting philosphies (no lah, whining..) and giggles..

wow... SY looks good here! how did she manage to look so demure?!! *chuckles*

Then Jo and I went photo whoring!!!


and our last pic of the day...

and they all ran to Ju's house to seek refuge...
continued our night at my humble home.. watching DVD.. and then more yakking
when 5 women are together.. there's nothing but CHAOS!!!
we had fun! and again, my throat was a little hoarse the morning after

Monday, December 26, 2005

was spent the way Christmas should be celebrated. Went to church for their Christmas Eve service.. was lovely :) we then went off to Bliss Cafe at Punggol Park for some drinks, fingerfood and chit chatting... the place was awesome.. it's by the lake and with the candles twinkling, gentle breeze, was really like some romantic fairytale.. (and i love their chedder fries!) left just 30mins shy of midnight.. got home and we welcomed Christmas in a more spectacular way than popping party poppers *grin*

i've always believed Christmas should be spent in church, celebrating the birth of Jesus.. and spending time with your loved ones.. i love quiet Christmases... thoughtful and meaningful.

painting the town red? getting high and wasted? that's so ridiculous. A few years back.. i spent my christmas eve at a club.. everyone was drinking, dancing.. and all of a sudden it hit me.. "what the heck am i doing here?!" the countdown came.. everyone was shouting... singing.. all joyous... and i had the urge to yell at them: "do you even know what you are celebrating?!!! What are you so happy about?!!!" and what am i doing with a bunch of people who doesnt even care a hoot who Jesus is... what is Christmas to them? A chance to get high.. and wasted.. and be merry.. i felt awful.. told myself then i will never ever spend my Christmas eve clubbing. period.

dont get me wrong.. i've nothing against clubbing. In fact, we have plans to club this New Years' Eve. But never.. NEVER.. on Christmas eve. I feel sorry.. for people who doesnt know the essence of a celebration.. who just 'follow the crowd'

comprises of our favourite activities... which are: sleeping.. eating and movies...!

Dinner: KENNY ROGERS'S Chicken with Honey Bourbon Sauce (it's mag!)
Movie: NARNIA!!!!!!! (at GV Grand - Big Screen!)

Narnia is good!!! followed the book to the 't'! but the battle scene is somewhat disppointing cos you cant help comparing with that of LOTR.. cos there are many similarities.. (CS Lewis and JR Tolkein are good friends fyi) i wish there were more animals, 'talking beasts' though.. guess that's part of the attraction.. a battle of animals instead of humans.. they used too many centaurs (humanlike).. but overall, thought it was good.. zack was kinda disappointed.. somehow expected more with all the huha.. hope they are making movies outta the other books as well..

i've got nothing to look forward to now.. sigh..

and oh.. HAPPY BOXING DAY folks!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

for once..

i'm not psych to go shopping

the thought of jostling with the massive human traffic puts me off
2 more days to Christmas and i've not done my Christmas shopping
so i'd better get my sorry ass down to Orchard tonight

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

i'm weary... really weary
i need someone to talk to..
thank goodness there's David in the office to bitch with..
not so much of bitching as whining
cos my other 2 email kakis mia!

i'm so overwhelmed..
was almost on the verge of breaking down..
when i receive a very sweet msg from zack *smile*
funny how such things work
God is good.. all the time

and David trimmed his brows!
goodness gracious!!!

guess what i found?


remember how you used to have it with porridge when you were a kid?
was some flashback :)
and i found it at the baby food section at the supermarket

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

typed a long post about work
but deleted it off
it's far too depressing
not gonna whine

on a slightly cheerful note:
watched King Kong last night.. excellent movie.. Peter Jackson did it again.. but i wouldnt give it 5 stars cos it made me cry (my eyes are puffy i gotta wear specs to work today!) yes, thats how much i cried and zack's sleeve was damp after the movie! as i said before, i steer clear from movies that messes up my heartstrings.. i was so emotional after the movie i didnt wanna talk.. was really messed up inside.

i hate the part where the policeman called King Kong a 'dumb beast' for getting himself cornered.. oh for goodness sake! he didnt ask to be carted away from his island.. to be brought to a foreign place and be ridiculed.. ogled at.. laughed at.. and for what? the greed of man! and when man realise they didnt get that great a deal afterall, they kill.. they destroy.. it's sick.. it's just so sick.. we are in no way superior to the beasts God created.. no way! do we have the strength of an elephant? do we have the speed of a cheetah? all we have are brains and we use them in twisted ways! awright.. i can probably go off on a tangent so i'll stop here.

going home now
pounding head
imagine covering for 2 colleagues
on top of my never ending work *sheesh*
who covers for me when i'm not around?
no blardee one!

and it's raining now!

Saturday, December 17, 2005


this is da day when someone has officially entered the mid-twenties!

at the stroke of midnight.. he was bombarded with hugs & kisses (by me only!) and happy birthdays.. we then put on a DVD.. though i was itching to give him his presents!

(after how he put me through hunting the entire wrong room for my ring.. when all along its on his pinky! he's not gonna get it easy!) put him on a present hunt.. and bcos i love him, i only limit the hunt to his computer room.

Clue: It's where it's supposed to be.
( it's actually hanging unassumingly in his wardrobe)

MY BIRTHDAY BOY posing in his present..
one of the stuff he likes.. why he would want another England jersey when he has 3 similar ones hanging in his wardrobe, is not something i can comprehend.. oh well, anything to make my boy happy :)

and here's zack playing with part 2 of his presents

guess what it is???

it's a SONY ERICSSON w800i!!!!!

the look on his face when he opened this present.. is priceless *grin*

it makes spending that sum of money so worthwhile..
the only bummer is that we no longer hold similar hps :(
but watching his face positively glow.. is enuff


it was raining so decided to take a cab...
it's been ages since we last took a cab so we really had to take some pics to commemorate the event


so zack finally has his beef ribs!
been raving about the beef ribs for ages
so today.. he has yet another dream come true

(and please pardon the horrendous red light)

IMAGINE GOING OFF TO WORK... after a good dinner
awww... so poor thing...
but looking at that smile on his face, i dun think he minds one bit
or maybe he's still basking in the aftermath..

and once again...

Friday, December 16, 2005

back from doing some important stuff..


all i'm saying is..
someone is gonna be really happy

and i wanna tell my darling..
'i'm sorry..'

and to the rest of you..
mind your own business!

my throat is sore again *crap*

Thursday, December 15, 2005

i miss my rock.... *sobs*

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

and my blurry eyes see red..

i've just about lived through one of the worst day
or perhaps i'm just too exhausted

work in the office is driving me up the wall
people in the office is making my blood boil

and things just keep getting 'better'
was on my way to collect my ring from the jeweller
only to receive a call when i'm halfway there telling me its not ready!
i was already tired.. fuming.. so you can prob guess the person who called got it good from me

all the events of the day were getting to me and for once in a long while... i was almost erupting.. (i actually frightened one of the temp gals in the office *sheesh*)

funnily.. felt much better the minute i saw zack and he wrapped his arms around me.. and cos i had a bad day, he brought me to Cafe Cartel (his treat!).. so sweet right *smile* and after dinner he even suggested walking ard TM and Century Square (coming from someone who dislikes shopping in any form).. but i was so tired (almost fell asleep on my feet), we headed home after awhile. And i fell face flat (literally) on the bed the minute we got home..

tough week.. kept postponing dinner with ant (sorry lah..) a tired ju is no good company.. cant count the no. of times:
- i dozed off after dinner
- fell asleep on his lap in the middle of watching a DVD and only waking up to see the credits (now i gotta watch Big Fish on my own *pout*)

and tonight, i gotta Christmas dinner at Jon's (my big boss)..


i'm so stressed i popped 4 pieces of chocolate! *gasps* but its ok.. i can afford it, i've lost most of my lovehandles.. heheh!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

when will sleep take me?

its 2 in the morning... and i'm still awake
exhausted but cant sleep.. hate this feeling
so here i am.. online.. blogging.. chatting on msn

oh.. did i mention Ben is back!!!
and only contact me after he's back for a week!
that boy never change... hai...
but at least he's back (for good??) so i'm not complaining.. heh

why do i bother sometimes
why dun i just mind my own business
why care and no one appreciates
think i'd find better things to do from now on
oh well..

and i'm hungry now
and i need to be up in 4 hours
and i'm not getting any sleepy
and i'm not looking forward to the long day tomorrow
and i'm still coughing my lungs out
and it's nearing 3am

this is so sucky..

Monday, December 12, 2005

this Christmas...

ju goes RED!

and when she says Red.. she means HOT RED!!!


went experimental with my hair.. get bored easily and am now tired of the usual copper brown.. a fresh look i told Yvonne.. whisper? speak? or scream!? i want SCREAM! like the way the highlights were done.. not the usual colored streaks around the head (boring..).. but sheets of color in the inner layers with a dark burgundy base covering the top.. so the overall look is dark and everytime my hair is tousled, the light catches the red at various angles.. i call it: "Subtlety in the loud way"..

just hope the red would not run which it probably will.. oh well

tough matching clothes with my red hair so i go for contrast rather than complement.. so i will be in green this christmas and be a walking christmas tree!


Sunday, December 11, 2005

did something i had been meaning to do for awhile.. hate to do this but sometimes, i have to be cruel to be kind.. i really cant bear to hurt anyone.. *sigh*

spent a good part of yesterday morning and the entire afternoon chatting with SY and Jo on msn... we had such a blast! gosh, my butt was aching from sitting on the wooden chair for 8 hours.. we finally went off when SY and i wanted to nap and Jo went to spend time with her Ming.. ahhhhhh.. cant wait to meet my gals!

then spent the remaining day:
- mopping/sweeping the floor

(and guys, here's a piece of advice for you: (only do this when you have a death wish)
Ask your gf: "so are you cooking dinner for me?" when she is hot, sweaty and tired from doing a houseful of chores.. you are only asking for it!)

- do the laundry
- clean half the toilet
- took a nice hot shower so i smell all nice

and wait for zack to come home.. nobody wants to be greeted by a hot and sweaty fiancee right? :D

going for an auction later in the afternoon then meet zack at Expo (he's working day shift today *bummer*) .. there's a Home Reno Exhibition going on.. gosh i really dislike those pesky Bridal Studios hasslers!

and i need to re-size my ring.. its a tad too big.. no fault of zack.. he got my ring size from the ring i wear on my right hand not knowing that my left hand is a little smaller.. i cant bear to part with my ring for 2 days *sobs*

i still cant believe i'm engaged *pinch pinch*.. getting used to referring zack as MY FIANCE.. i've got a Fiance.. and i am a Fiancee! *grin*

Friday, December 09, 2005

flew back from the moon...

.. and have been working like a horse since then

have worked through lunch for 3 consecutive days.. i even missed my pilates today *sheesh* gosh, everyone wants a piece of me and the blardee phone just won't stop ringing! i'm going crazy and am so so exhausted.. so amazed at my ability to answer the phone with a ring in my voice when all i wanna do is cut that cord.

oh well, rushing everything so i dun have to work late.. meeting zack after work so it's something to look forward to.

The ailment: growling stomach + pounding head
The cure: dinner + movie

i feel like fish&co..

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Look at the stars..

look how they shine for you..

he gave me a star..
and showed me how much he loves me..

tell me, what
more can a gal ask for?

thank you sweetheart..

for everything you've been to me
for everything you've given me

and everyday.. i thank God for you..

i love you

Monday, December 05, 2005

"will you make me the happiest man....."

i'm running on reserve fuel..

with all the excitement during the weekend.. i cant sleep, i cant eat.. and i'm still brimming with energy.. took me a day to calm down... or have i?? and i cant keep that grin off my face or my eyes from glancing down :D

headed up to Mt Faber.. which wasnt unusual cos we do that at times.. sat at The Point.. enjoying the view.. chatting.. laughing and teasing each other.. then he pulled me in his arms and said softly, "ju, will you make me the happiest man and call me 'hubby'?" (which is something i had been refusing to all this while cos i had not been 'asked properly').. but this time, the teasing felt different somehow.. and when he stood up and reached into his pocket.. my first thought was, "oh my gosh! what is he doing?!!!"

and when he got on his knee.. it dawned on me.. i was being 'asked properly'.. *sobs* it was so beautiful.. that moment.. i was shocked speechless and alternate between looking at the ring and his sweet beaming face.. and when he slipped the ring on my finger, my heart cried..

(but if you were to ask him, he would probably say i spoilt his proposal cos i didnt follow his 'script'.. he had to ask me 3 times before i said 'YES'! (you wouldnt wanna know my first 2 answers) Ahahahaha! he refused to get up til i say 'Yes' so he was on his knee for a full 5 mins *grins*)

is awesome.. perfect.. he picked the diamond and got it set to how i like it (he had help from my sneaky Godma and sis!) i asked him why the size.. it is half a carat! (was expecting a much smaller one) and shines like a star on my finger.. he replied, "cos i only want the best for my girl" *sobs* and animatedly began telling me about the cut, color, clarity and how clear it was when he viewed it thru the jewellers loupe etc.. it seemed like he had a field time getting the diamond :) but i was only half listening cos it doesnt matter to me how big it is or how white and clear it is.. all it matters is that it is from him.. from my zack..


cant believe WE'RE ENGAGED! oh my.. everything seems to fall into place perfectly.. and it changes everything, the whole dynamic of the relationship.. when i see him, i see MY FIANCE, my other half.. the person whom i will be spending the rest of my life with.. i cant begin to describe it but its like a bond had been forged between two persons.. its simply amazing...

and everytime i think back i still tear *sniffs*

"and you make me the happiest woman..."

Sunday, December 04, 2005

brought me to one of the highest point in Singapore.. with the vast expense of the ocean surrounding us.. gentle breeze tickling our cheeks.. and the entire city twinkling at our feet..

...he got down on his knee, opened the box in his palm and asked,
"will you marry me ju?"


Saturday, December 03, 2005

so we finally got Our KEYS!

Welcome to our world.. Let us come on in...!

so presenting... ZACK AND JU'S NEST!

main door.. to the right is the kitchen and the door in the kitchen (with the little porthole above) opens to the bomb shelter..

view from the main door... small corridor leads to the 3 bedrooms. As this is a standard flat, the flooring is not done up.. which is good cos we get to choose the kind of flooring we like! to the right would be the living area and the dining area to the left..

our kitchen.. which is soooo breezy! and its squarish in shape which is excellent to design.. i see all the possibilites (my island kitchen!!!)

our living room.. which is airy and bright (looks otherwise in this pic i noe, its the camera).. when the windows were opened, there was a whiff of the sea in the air.. ahhhh....

the view from our living room (and all the bedrooms).. thats coney island at the far end! see the dark yellow, green and white blocks in front? thats where we are staying right now.. haha.. i can communicate with my sis using flashlights..

said a prayer.. to cleanse our house.. and thank God for giving us a lovely house to call our own.. it seemed more than a prayer when we held each other and prayed.. its like.. a dream come true *tears* thank you Father..

and lastly, our letter box... brimming with rubbish..!

Friday, December 02, 2005

standing at the threshold..

it dawned on me that there's no turning back from tomorrow forth..

cos we are no longer talking about just a booking deposit of $2K anymore. We are now talking about downpayment of $20K.. CPF accounts wiped dry.. mortage loan of $'00,000s.. setting up of accounts for various payments.. etc.. We are playing the Big Men's game now!

we have arrived at the threshold of adulthood

oh my gosh..

Date: 3 Dec 2005
Time: 8.30am
Venue: HDB Hub 480. Lor 6 Toa Payoh.

i cant hope wondering... how's it gonna be from now?

i'm so excited.. but at the same time.. terrified..