Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, November 12, 2005

the night-ling strikes again

woke up from my nap
had a nice hot shower
followed by my nightly rituals
which comprises of..
piling a kazillion stuff on my face
hydrating my birthdaysuit
women.. all about maintenance
whoever said being a women is easy

had a talk with David about friends today.. friends 'politics' in the office.. kinda baffled me cos couldnt exactly comprehend why friends (in the office or general) can have so much conflict.. well, as least to me.. i like to keep things easygoing.. but i guess when ppl get too close, expectations set in and when these arent met.. unhappiness arise..

got me pondering..

me? i like things easy.. but when someone gets too demanding.. i pull away.. it happened once.. its sad.. but her demands were more than i could handle.. only a handful i hold close to my heart (you know who you are).. whom i allow into the 'circle of trust' :D

grab me tighter and i run faster..

as what someone said.. i'm like an iron.. takes awhile to warm up.. but when i warm up.. i'm hot! sometimes i warm up (eventually).. sometimes i dont (ever).. call me stuckup but thats me. i've got good vibes about ppl and i trust my instincts.

another area that got me pondering over..

why come to a point where you depend entirely on someone (be it partner or friend) to fulfill your needs? to make you happy.. keep you company etc.. and when you dun get it, it upsets you.. isnt that too heavy a responsibility for anyone? that whatever that person say or do either makes you or breaks you.. it's scary when someone has that much impact over you.. dun ever come to that.. i'm learning.. to fulfill my needs on my own.. if i need comfort, i find it.. i dun depend on someone for it.. cos people fail you.. if they dun, smile and be thankful.. and if they do, dun waste time and energy blaming them.. look elsewhere for what you need.. sounds selfish? i think not.. it's survival.. at certain point in your life, you'd have certain needs.. it's up to you, not your partner.. or a friend.. to find ways to meet them.

sheesh.. no idea what set me off on this tangent
the night always does this to me

off to bed i go..
got the whole bed to myself tonight! and a lovely sight awaits me when i wake :)

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