Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, November 11, 2005

is it friday?

doesnt feel like it

i've realised..
retail therapy is shortlived
lifespan is an approximate 4 hours
after the 4th hour..
that euphoria dissipates
and you are left feeling..
that same old, same old way

gym this afternoon..
abs gonna ache big time tomorrow
have not fully recovered from my workout on Tuesday
been walking funny the past 2 days (butt ache)

realised a couple of my colleagues lost some weight
sheesh.. they dun look good
boobs and butt got smaller
their head looks bigger than their bod
(thank goodness they dun read this blog)
point being.. its not that good to be too thin
perhaps i dun need to lose any weight uh
people always say i'm nuts when i say i need to lose weight
perhaps.. i'm a tad too paranoid.. (as zack always say)
at least i'm still wearing XS and got some boobs and butt
but still...
i'd prob look better 2 kg lighter
aiyah.. WOMEN!

my hp beeped..

"bought you milk tea :)"

i got milk tea waiting for me at home!

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