Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, August 01, 2005

what's wrong with us?

i broke a precious moment waterglass figurine couple of days back
and zack broke a pot of plant this morning
(i love that plant, artificial it may be...)

Lovely weekend
zack had class on sat morning (so poor thing hor) while i get to sleep in! imagine warm and snug while it pours outside
woke up at 11 and cooked some noodles while waiting for zack to come home.. gosh, how i wish i can come home to a nice hot meal too!
spent the afternoon snug in bed, reading and napping (pouring outside) *shioks*
went Expo in the evening to check out some Home deco exhibition.. some ppl sure can talk your head off! thank goodness we didnt bring our floorplan along but i must say our knowledge about interior designing & reno went up a few notches
then its off to thomson for my bomb & cheese prata!!!
i'm sated *satisfied smile*
caught Stealth at J8.. was ok, not the blow-your-mind kinda movie

Sun was rest day
spent it sweeping/mopping the floor, washing toilets.. and cooked a nice dinner (doesnt sound too restful uh)
american ginseng chicken soup, steamed snapper and (the ever present) lady's fingers.. this pot of soup costed $10 but it was good! good for rejuvenating the system
tough week ahead for zack so packing him off with brain food and herbal infusion

i need some infusion too
blood infusion that is
pounding head

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