Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, August 15, 2005

first and foremost.. i say my thanks

to all who bombarded me with bday greetings smses and calls... to ant who called me from perth.. to those of u who didnt, its alright... i still love u :D

Our 2-hour stint as Tai Tais
to jo, siying and yy who spent my bday with me.. siying who took leave just to accompany me in my fantasy of living like a tai tai for an afternoon.. the foursome had high tea at Rose Veranda in Shangrila.. their selection of tea was impressive! 100+ variety to choose from.. we each chose a kind and our small table was laden with 4 big pots of tea.. sipping tea, nibbling (more like stuffing our face) cakes.. catching up on 'stories'.. big cushiony chairs.. we ate til we nearly burst.. had to leave earlier cos zack picked me up earlier than planned (dun shoot me!)

At Rose Veranda - Shangrila

tai tais in the making..

i love this teapot set... my granny's garden tea was lovely

and of course to my sweetie for being there for me.. for celebrating with me in the midst of his tests, attachments and evaluation... for taking time off to hunt my presents.. thank you sweetheart *hugz*

24 now...
seem like yesterday i celebrated my 21st at east coast
told myself that this will be the last bday 'celebration'
no more bdays for me henceforth
i'll be 24 every year
(i'm not kidding)

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