Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

had lunch with david.. our most intense conversation by far which of course entails some bitching about work... while i sweated under my jacket over my fish soup.. then i must endure another 15mins at YaKun under the sweltering heat while david lim kopi... i seriously do not understand why ppl like to lim kopi after lunch at yakun when its so frigging hot!

busy week... but i managed to get some stuff which had been sitting around settled.. had an overdose of adrenalin this morning.. energy pulsing in my veins.. and i thought my hands were shaking.. was caffeinated! but i needed that.. lousy nights.. rapid brain activity and an exhausted bod was a lousy combi

time to go off... dinner with ant.. i think someone is planning some cigar puffing... decadent lifestyle.. tsk tsk *shakes head*

hohoho... Christmas is coming!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

.... so let us put our hands together and welcome aboard our newest.. handsomest.. machoest.. tallest.. cutest.. funniest.. PALOMEDICK.. MR ISAAC CHAN!!!

c'mon people! lift your hands in the air and do the JUNGLE BOOGIEEE......! shake your thang baby..!

after 18 months of slogging his ass (a velli cute one by the way), Mr Chan is finally a full-fledged Paramedic! *beams* Ms Huang can take a breather too.. cos when Mr Chan stress, Ms Huang also stress.. but this also means Mr Chan is back to resuming his cleaning duties...! he got his first toilet bowl cleaning lesson last night... muahahaha!

Monday, August 29, 2005

my lazy bum at 7am

a fool of everyone

mashmallow for a heart i've got
and a crystal clear mind
i'd waited... in pain, in vain
i decided.. to move on
i did... not looking back
no regrets i told myself
innate strength or just plain stubborn pride

1 year it has been..
you came back and want a piece of me
that piece that was offered again and again
that piece you rejected again and again
i cried but you didnt wanna see
i cried but you didnt wanna hear
this piece is no longer mine to give
it belongs to someone who love me so
that someone who pick me up
and holds me dear

i'm no player
not from one guy to another
thats not my style
i live by my rules
i stick to my guns
i'm true to myself
i'm true to my heart

i loved with all my heart
dun hate me when i walk away

i've given all i had to give
cherish it and think of me sweet
what we had was beautiful
in time we will meet again
not as lovers but as friends
in me a friend you will always have
in me a special place you will always sit

dun say no to what's ahead
a better one is out there waiting
i have found mine
someday you will too
but please do know
i've always, always.. thanked God for you

i love you.. in the purest sense

"Take my photo off the wall
If it just won't sing for you
'Cause all that's left has gone away
And there's nothing there for you to do

Oh, look what you've done
You've made a fool of everyone
Oh well, it seems likes such fun
Until you lose what you had won"

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

went to Lawry's for dinner with Simon last night
(dun scream, u heard right, Lawry's @ Paragon)
the place i had always dream of dining
starters, main course.. then dessert came
the last dinner he said
then it all came loose

one years worth of angst and heartaches
regrets and second chances
grief and love and loss
fighting hard for someone he said he never would
someone he had been waiting for this past one year
cant say the things he wanted to hear
but inside me i kept repeating..
"why now? why wait until its gone..?"

bad timing, more misses than hits
thats what we put it down to
nonetheless.. it was heart wrenching
nothing for me to say
but sorry to have caused you so much grief

was never my intention to hurt anyone
somehow i did with my decision
i hurt deeply for the people i've hurt
i wish i cant feel the pain
i wish i can walk off without a glance
but i cant... just cant

all i hope now is that time will heal.. all wounds, old and new
and no regrets... whatever decision made, dun ever regret

(and if you must know, the steak was awesome.. i couldnt enjoy dessert though)

Monday, August 22, 2005

meeting zack for lunch *grin*
vietnamese food! woooohoooo....!

our night of sin

what starts with the letter 'C'?
i've had many guesses
car, condoms, cat etc..
no one ever came close

rum-flavoured and chocolate-flavoured
12bucks per stick
it was more costly than a pack of cigarettes!
tempted to buy the box which consists of irresistable flavours:
cherries and cream, cinnamon, vanilla, rum, cognac & chocolate

so my 1st stick of nicotine+tobacco was a cigar.. almost didnt managed to puff cos zack was adamant about it... but of crse i turned on my full charm so u noe... *smirk*
neweis, my initiation to tobacco was alright.. as i cant inhale.. the only fascinating part was puffing as much smoke as possible and tasting the flavour off my lips...

that was how we spent our friday night... in sin! *shake head* cigars and johnny walker... let us pray and repent now children.. of crse this is only a one-off occasion (cos we both dun smoke).. though zack enjoyed the cigars, said it was better than the ones he smoked before.. i really do wish to try the cherries and cream.. but i gave my word that i wouldnt... hai...

been a while since we sat down with friends and chill out... my last was with Ant, Bris and Sam at Dempsey (a year ago!) find a good jazz bar, sit down for a drink or two... awesome! (and perhaps cigars too?)

"i say: pass the Dutchie on the left hand side.."

Sunday, August 21, 2005

so near yet so far...

"Dear Ju,

We have been unable to obtain authorization on your credit or debit card for your order. It is not necessary for you to take any action at this time. We will continue to try to submit this purchase for authorization."

all cos i neglect to do some fund transfers, i'm getting my vs slip some weeks later! *wails*

Friday, August 19, 2005

bought something.. for zack (and me)
down to a single digit in my bank and i'm buying such rubbish
ju ah ju...

hint: it starts with a 'C'

yesterday came and went...

but it was on my mind

6 years ago..
the day i grew up prematurely
the day when everything start to fall apart
the day i held your hand as you left me
the day i whispered one last time in your ear.. i love u mi

i wish so much...
to see your joyful face
to hear your robust laughter
to feel your arms around me
that u could meet zack.. i know you'd love him

lamented last night that u left just 5 days short of your 50th bday
i questioned why couldnt God prolong it
zack answered: "He wanted to give her 5 more days of peace.."

but i still miss u...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

received an email early this morning (and a real chirpy one *go away*)

"Lets go for morning swim at 6am this Sat!!!
Then Mcdonald breakfast from 8-11am!!!! Free flow of coffee & tea!!! =)
How?? How?? How??? dun sleep anyway.......might as well wake up early, right?
I give u morning call at 5am?? =P"

me: ARE YOU NUTS??!!!!!!!!!!

dun talk to me about waking up @ 5am on a saturday morning
you're just asking for it

warning: jo, she'll be coming after u next..

i take no comfort...

finished Harry Potter - The half-blood prince this weekend
in 5 days (crap, i need to read slower)
but as my excitement grew
the pages flew
distraught.. devastated
cos... cos....
DUMBLEDORE DIED!!!!!!!! *wails*
i knew it before i started on the book
(cos some people just enjoy giving out spoilers *glares*)
but i still blardee cried when i read that chapter
i had to wake zack up and bawl all over him

now i'm back to Danielle Steel and re-reading the Prince book
wait.. i've not read the lastest JD Robb book!
call me weird but i need at least 1 book in the pipeline

Monday, August 15, 2005

"i've got breasts, dun mess with me!"

specky gal bakes awesome cookies

first and foremost.. i say my thanks

to all who bombarded me with bday greetings smses and calls... to ant who called me from perth.. to those of u who didnt, its alright... i still love u :D

Our 2-hour stint as Tai Tais
to jo, siying and yy who spent my bday with me.. siying who took leave just to accompany me in my fantasy of living like a tai tai for an afternoon.. the foursome had high tea at Rose Veranda in Shangrila.. their selection of tea was impressive! 100+ variety to choose from.. we each chose a kind and our small table was laden with 4 big pots of tea.. sipping tea, nibbling (more like stuffing our face) cakes.. catching up on 'stories'.. big cushiony chairs.. we ate til we nearly burst.. had to leave earlier cos zack picked me up earlier than planned (dun shoot me!)

At Rose Veranda - Shangrila

tai tais in the making..

i love this teapot set... my granny's garden tea was lovely

and of course to my sweetie for being there for me.. for celebrating with me in the midst of his tests, attachments and evaluation... for taking time off to hunt my presents.. thank you sweetheart *hugz*

24 now...
seem like yesterday i celebrated my 21st at east coast
told myself that this will be the last bday 'celebration'
no more bdays for me henceforth
i'll be 24 every year
(i'm not kidding)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

peering into the early morning sky
her eyes are dry but damp inside
with a throaty laugh that never meet her eyes
she sings a song that uncle love has never known

in riches and rags, she rode that street
loved by a sun that warms her heart
while the twinkling darkness pierced her soul

she hid her eyes
she closed her heart

so now she reads and fly away
to that magical land she'd always known
with spells and potions
to mend that bridge
she sits along the river bank
and sings her song

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

smses and calls started pouring in just shy of midnight
and for the entire morning
was surprised, seriously
didnt expect so many to remember

gosh, finished my first draft of my payroll register.. in 3 hours!
boy am i good! *smirk*
gotta run now
meeting the gals for high tea!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

blah blah blah

sheesh, my home line is down so cant use my dialup.. which means to say my pc has been untouched for the past week... using zack's pc (cable) but its just not my pc... the feel is different somehow... u know what i mean ya

finished Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code.. not surprised of the controversies this novel had generated.. disturbing coming from a christian perspective.. cos he married fiction and non-fiction perfectly its hard to tell one from the other... in fact, found his Angels and Demons equally good.. i guess the reason why The Da Vinci Code was the talk of the town was primarily cos of the religion (christianity that is) it evolved around.. and they are making a movie out of it! as a christian, i must say it is disturbing.. very.. zack told me to pray everytime i read the book.. haha

ant's in perth... for 2 weeks *idiot* and wouldnt be ard for my bday *glare* i wanna go too....! hey, why dun u send me an airticket as my bday present? ok, cum christmas! on ya? its winter there now... lovely cool weather... and i wanna see ant's lab pup too! sheesh, i'm getting excited over something which will not happen

ant: please buzz ben and ask him "WHERE HAS HE DISAPPEARED TO?!"
and while u are at it, can you bring back some sausages too?
oh! sorry, please dun... i'm not eating pork...
cos "pork is the no. 1 killer... high in cholesterol... gives you high blood pressure.. etc"
(there goes my char siew... and sausages... and.. and ham... *sobs*)

i dun see someone forgoing seafood *pout*

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


got this off TodayOnline...

RESIDENTS of Block 728, Clementi West Street 2, were pleasantly surprised yesterday when they opened their letterboxes to find, among the usual bills, a $50 note.

Some thought the money had come from the Government. Others figured someone in their block had struck it rich in the lottery and decided to share the wealth.

As it turned out, the money had been put in the letterboxes by Ms Lau Chee Ching, a resident of a nearby block.

Today has since learned from her family that the 32-year-old woman suffers from a mental disorder. Ms Lau said that yesterday, she had heard "voices" telling her to put money into letterboxes. She proceeded to a nearby teller machine and withdrew $3,000, which she slotted into the letterboxes at Block 728.

Two well-meaning neighbours who were aware of Ms Lau's condition rushed to the block to try and retrieve the money. But they were shocked to find some residents not only unwilling to return the money, but so eager to fish out more $50 notes they tried to pry open other mailboxes.

The neighbours also put up two notices, explaining how Ms Lau was not fully aware of her actions, at an adjacent lift lobby. In the notice they asked residents to return the money.

But as of last night, only $300 of the $3,000 had been returned to the family - $200 by a postman who spotted the notice and another $100 by two residents, one of whom was a teenager.

When Today visited Block 728 yesterday, Ms Lau was still at the foot of the block.

She was mumbling repeatedly in Mandarin: "My money is gone."

According to neighbour Goh Ong Seng, who helped Ms Lau make a police report last night, Ms Lau had given out money accumulated from previous jobs and set aside in her personal savings account.

However, she lost her job two weeks ago due to her mental condition and has not been employed since.

Said Mr Goh: "She worked in a factory, but due to the stress and the noise, her illness got worse."

Ms Lau, the youngest of six siblings, is being treated at the Alexandra Hospital, which she visits every three weeks, accompanied by one of her neighbours, for a check-up and to collect her medicine.

Her mother told Today that losing her job three years ago had brought on a bout of depression, which led to her illness.

Said Mr Goh: "(Ms Lau) doesn't come from a wealthy background. $3,000 is a lot of money to the family - her mother can't walk properly and she needs the money for her own treatment.
"Those who found the money should return it to her. I don't understand how they can spend the money with peace of mind."


can you beat that?!! *mortified*
that makes it 2 decent people out of 56!
i stand in awe of those people.. their ability to sleep with nightmares plaguing them

sometimes, i'm just ashamed to be called a Singaporean
nuff said.

a humble plea for a humble nest

Monday, August 01, 2005

what's wrong with us?

i broke a precious moment waterglass figurine couple of days back
and zack broke a pot of plant this morning
(i love that plant, artificial it may be...)

Lovely weekend
zack had class on sat morning (so poor thing hor) while i get to sleep in! imagine warm and snug while it pours outside
woke up at 11 and cooked some noodles while waiting for zack to come home.. gosh, how i wish i can come home to a nice hot meal too!
spent the afternoon snug in bed, reading and napping (pouring outside) *shioks*
went Expo in the evening to check out some Home deco exhibition.. some ppl sure can talk your head off! thank goodness we didnt bring our floorplan along but i must say our knowledge about interior designing & reno went up a few notches
then its off to thomson for my bomb & cheese prata!!!
i'm sated *satisfied smile*
caught Stealth at J8.. was ok, not the blow-your-mind kinda movie

Sun was rest day
spent it sweeping/mopping the floor, washing toilets.. and cooked a nice dinner (doesnt sound too restful uh)
american ginseng chicken soup, steamed snapper and (the ever present) lady's fingers.. this pot of soup costed $10 but it was good! good for rejuvenating the system
tough week ahead for zack so packing him off with brain food and herbal infusion

i need some infusion too
blood infusion that is
pounding head