Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, December 02, 2004

watched Singapore Idol?
too hyped up i say..
guest of honour is President SR Nathan??
gimme a break please..
kinda disappointed with the contestants / finalists..
perhaps my expectations are a tad too high..
more so after watching American Idol..

and the judges sux..
why do we need judges who are practically reading off a script..
when their comments are structured for viewer's entertainment..

taufik vs sly?
Singapore Idol?
its just showbiz peeps, just showbiz..

o well.. shrug :)

reaching office very early this week..
coz i've gotta personal chauffeur! hehehe..
zack's on office hours this week..
so we get to come to work together..
only bummer is that he starts work at 8am..
that means i gotta wake up 45mins earlier..
but i dun mind one bit!
thanks sweet for the rides... muacks! :)

i'm so so sleeeepy now..
how can i last til 5.30pm..

things i must do when i get home:
- sweep / mop the floor
- laundry
- pack my room
- install my office
- bring pappe for a walk (think she is bored crazy & she is driving me crazy!)

things i must NOT do when i get home:
- get anywhere near my bed before my chores are done


holiday bug itching.. BANGKOK IN JAN!!! who wants to join me?!!!!

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