Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, December 05, 2004


Awright peeps,

posting the pics i had been promising..
all at one go... in this album!

Enjoy! ;)

(having prob with Hello, so pics up slowly.. watch this space!)

zack's new toy... presenting Ah peh zack!

byeee decks....

da lil imps...

Banana walnut cake! baked by zack with a special ingredient called 'L' :)

pasta with scallops & crabstick.. my health food when i was down with food poisoning... cooked by my sweetie.. watta lovely thing to wake up to when u are feeling awful :) got sudden craving for it... *hint hint*


Presenting..... CROWN OF THORNS!!!

Last gig...

Andy, Chris, Zack, Fugene & Kelvin.. u guys are smashing! Keep the fire burning dudes!

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