Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, December 31, 2004

goodbye Frittonia... you will be missed...

Serene bought me this plant for my bday.. name's Frittonia.. i cared for it.. i really did...

but 4 months later.....

it died.... :(

Thursday, December 30, 2004

jeez, on holiday mood now.. dun feel like working..
another 4 hours of work then i'm done for the week..
not that i've been at work much this week.. hehehe..
but everyday at work is truly madness.. sigh..
going to have a talk with Theresa & Cindy about my workload..
imagine 'serving' 3 bosses! plus our High and mighty Mr Roger Wilkinson!
met Seok Ching on the way home today and she asked me who do i manage it at all..
told her i'm dying here..
and i look like crap *sobs*
its madness..

but its awright! managed to recharge some energy lost!
2 days of bumming... :)

Tuesday - Slept til 2pm! Wicked! Bum ard in the afternoon then had Ichiban Sushi for dinner at PS.. much better than Sakae.. variety of sushi is more interesting.. Highly recommended!
Caught 'National Treasure'. It was ok.. just another movie flick.. the treasure hunt was pretty entertaining but the ending was kinda disappointing..

Wednesday - Went to the bank :) wasnt done til about 4 plus, rushed home to grab pappe and packed a basket then off we go for our PICNIC @ EAST COAST!

Pappe had her 2nd dunk! was so cute watching her swim, legs were in swimming mode (imagine crab!) before we even dropped her into the sea.. she had so much fun racing ard the beach and much to my chagrin, wriggling in the sand.. didnt charge my batt and only managed to take 4 shots before it died on us! Bummer!

Sky looks kinda gloomy.. dirty sand.. miss Krabi sooooo much... :(


The thought of all that cleaning up when we reach home puts me off.. zack bathed pappe while i clean & tidy the house.. After 45 mins of cleaning.. i realised that both of them are clean, fed and comfortably sitting on the sofa watching soccer while i'm still sticky & hungry and mopping the floor! sigh sigh... suffering ju.. sigh... sob sob...

End of my break! Needed that sooooo much :)
back from 2 days of leave..
was a chore getting outta bed this morning..
had a lovely relaxing 2 days :)
blog bout it later...
meanwhile, clearing as much of my work coz i'm leaving office soon!

idea came about when i was getting ready for work..
taking the afternoon off today..
to surprise someone! ;P

Monday, December 27, 2004

people are always asking me.. "what do u want for Christmas?"
i crack my head and think.. but i just cant come up with an answer..

now i finally know..
I want a gift that comes from the heart..

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Boxing Day today! not many presents to box anyway... but i'm thankful for each and every one of them :)

went to wala to celebrate christmas eve...
EIC wasnt playing that night *bummer*
The Unexpected was.. wasnt too psyched about the lead singer..
dun ask me why.. prob coz of her attitude.. loadsa it!
one more self realisation that night..
I am a moody / broody drunk..
or maybe its just an amplification of wats inside..

dun generally dislike anyone..
but there's this someone i dun have good vibes about..
wonder why..

spent Christmas at Zack's church.. small and cosy..
really nice to attend a small church..
where everyone knows everyone..
folks there are real friendly and not pushy..
wonder how is Trinity's christmas service like this year..
first time in years i didnt spend my christmas at Trinity.. missed it

then we are off to Kevin & Charmaine's church wedding..
gosh, this is by far the most romantic wedding i've attended..
i teared!! & i dun even know them personally!
(some background info: Kevin was the drummer in Zack's band)
Kevin sang this song to Charmaine and he teared..
gosh.. i teared too...
then there was this part where the wedding couple thanked their parents..
more tears..
and i was thinking i am never ever going to be able to do that..
it stabbed me..
i teared..
everything was just so beautiful..
i was turning into a fountain..

was an emotional wreck yesterday..

know wats one of the worst feeling one can feel?
having to smile when u feel like your heart has just been stabbed..
having to talk and laugh when all u wanna do is hide in a corner and weep..
no one sees wats inside..
coz i conceal it well..

maybe it lies with me
coz i cant see my worth
i try and i try and i try
to win that love
to prove that i am worthwhile
maybe i dun even have to
maybe i just dunno any other way
was so sure of myself
but i'm wavering now

spending the sun afternoon alone with my thoughts..
too many to keep me occupied..
had some words of caution from my dear friend..
thanks pal, appreciate your concern..
i hear u, i do..
headache brewing
hope i snap outta it soon..

Thursday, December 23, 2004

my last day of the week! yippeeee....
really needed this break badly..
been working like a horse.. *groans*
need to go for stress management..
then plan my early retirement.. hahaha..

life's pretty back to normal..
with zack all done with his training & back to his shift..
no more 5 days of absence :)
terribly onerous..

things happening.. many things..
things i dun wanna think about..
life's like a whirlpool..

year end approaching..
most eventful year of my life i would say..
my happiest moments..
my saddest moments..
all stacked up within these 12 months..
cried the most..
laughed the loudest..

but i've grown the most..

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

wat made my morning sweeter?

when someone plops outta bed and said...
"i'll prepare breakfast for u.."

cant remember the last time someone prepared breakfast for me..
had my breakfast prepared for me this morning..
by my sweetheart.. *big smile*
turkey breast with melted cheese sandwich..
awesome.. :)

left home with a warmth in my heart..
a skip in my step..

funny how little things seem to matter more..

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Burnt out

finally settled down after a long day... or week for that matter...
totally burnt out...
intended to blog about Roger's farewell dinner (tonight) but am just too tired...
its been hell of a week (excuse my language)...
my eyerings are seriously dark..
havent been zzzzzzz much..
too much work to do at work..
all that bad stress..
lost some weight..

felt this sudden surge of emotion..
akin to loneliness..
never felt this way for a long while..

need hugs..

sweetheart, sorry i couldnt talk long with u just now..
didnt even get to bid u sweet dreams..
wish i had made your day a little better for u..
sorry if i didnt..
just want u to know that as i go about my daily chores..
u're always on my mind.... always....

*crawling to bed...*

Friday, December 17, 2004


Its your special day today sweet! though u are stuck at some ulu isle, do hope u haf a good time :) hang in there, it'll be over in 2 days time! cant wait for sunday to come! we'll go do something special when u come back ya.. *hugz*

love u tons! *loadsa hugz & kisses!*

bought something today but i'm not telling..
i surprise myself sometimes..

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

my morning just got brighter!

just received a call from zack! *big silly grin*

but the bad news is that this is his last call until fri or sat..
coz they will be going outfield..
at some ulu island..
take very good care & be careful k..
i wanna see my boy safe & sound without a scratch on sun *hugz*

5 more days..

worry not sweet, i'll be good!
(i've always been good, wat am i talking about?!)
no galivanting while u're away ;P

miss u sooo much....

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

My prayer..

Dear Lord,

Place your hand of protection over zack as he go about his daily activities at OBS. Grant him courage in the face of challenges, strength for back-breaking work, comfort when he is alone.

Above all, keep him safe and sound... and bring him safely back to me..

In Jesus' name I pray,

Monday, December 13, 2004

weekend flew by just like that..
sunday seems eons away..

on a lil island north east..
so near yet so far..

lousy today..
monday blues?
or something more..

why am i doing so much..
i've got nothing to prove..

nothing to my name..
nothing accomplished..
just an entity..
in this huge void..

i'm tired..
... in every sense

leave me be..
i beseech..
just leave me be

Thursday, December 09, 2004

terribly crazy day..
been working non-stop since the minute i stepped in office..
yes, probably guessed it right..
payroll time..
huge load off when i passed the 3 envelopes to my dispatch..

Christmas should NEVER be spelt as Xmas!
how can there be no Christ in Christmas?

Christmas is coming!
baking mince pies & eggnog! :)

tired..... *stoning*

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

ahhh.... i'm sore all over *groans*
calves, thighs, butt, arms, abs
had a full body workout yesterday
gym during lunch, tennis after work
gosh, i'm asking for it!
but i feel so 'worked out'... ahhhhh......

tennis session was really good!
tried my hand at tennis for the first time & i lurve it!
played with David, Vikram & Eugene at civil service club from 7 - 9pm..
went with 12 balls and left with none.. lol!
for the record, i only hit 2 balls outta the court.. heheh
need to work on my serve and backhand
said to be pretty good for a beginner! :P

going to queensway after the 15th to buy my Head racket!
& someone is going to kill me if i wear a tennis skirt.. hehe

been so tired the past few days..
will be for the entire week for that matter

my week..
mon: went town shopping then running at night
tue: tennis
wed: Roger's christmas dinner
thur: dinner with Ben & Ant
sat: tanning @ sentosa (if i can wake up....)

home late every night..
neglected my pappe... *sorry sweetheart*
really conked out when i get home
wanted to bathe pappe last night but was just so tired to do much
only managed to feed her, had a shower, clean the house a lil..
then talk to my boy :)

i miss u...

Sunday, December 05, 2004


Awright peeps,

posting the pics i had been promising..
all at one go... in this album!

Enjoy! ;)

(having prob with Hello, so pics up slowly.. watch this space!)

zack's new toy... presenting Ah peh zack!

byeee decks....

da lil imps...

Banana walnut cake! baked by zack with a special ingredient called 'L' :)

pasta with scallops & crabstick.. my health food when i was down with food poisoning... cooked by my sweetie.. watta lovely thing to wake up to when u are feeling awful :) got sudden craving for it... *hint hint*


Presenting..... CROWN OF THORNS!!!

Last gig...

Andy, Chris, Zack, Fugene & Kelvin.. u guys are smashing! Keep the fire burning dudes!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

watched Singapore Idol?
too hyped up i say..
guest of honour is President SR Nathan??
gimme a break please..
kinda disappointed with the contestants / finalists..
perhaps my expectations are a tad too high..
more so after watching American Idol..

and the judges sux..
why do we need judges who are practically reading off a script..
when their comments are structured for viewer's entertainment..

taufik vs sly?
Singapore Idol?
its just showbiz peeps, just showbiz..

o well.. shrug :)

reaching office very early this week..
coz i've gotta personal chauffeur! hehehe..
zack's on office hours this week..
so we get to come to work together..
only bummer is that he starts work at 8am..
that means i gotta wake up 45mins earlier..
but i dun mind one bit!
thanks sweet for the rides... muacks! :)

i'm so so sleeeepy now..
how can i last til 5.30pm..

things i must do when i get home:
- sweep / mop the floor
- laundry
- pack my room
- install my office
- bring pappe for a walk (think she is bored crazy & she is driving me crazy!)

things i must NOT do when i get home:
- get anywhere near my bed before my chores are done


holiday bug itching.. BANGKOK IN JAN!!! who wants to join me?!!!!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Planet Fitness

question now is....

Should i sign up for Planet Fitness?!?!

only $600 for a years' membership..
loadsa classes available..
pilates.. body combat.. street jazz (thing that caught my eye!) etc..
studio next to my office..
got kakis to go with..
can workout during lunch or after work!

going for a 1 week trial next week..
hmm... wat do u guys think?
anyone wanna join me?? ;P

jeez, feeling stiff... need to stretch those muscles..
